Closing the front button of his coat. He makes his way inside. With people rushing behind him. Some asking for his signature, others for few minutes of discussion.

But he didn't pay heed. Asking them to bring it to his office.

Getting onto his own private elevator. He orders the guard to press the button for him.

While he stands uptight. With hands in his pockets.

The elevator tings and stops at his personal floor of rather his office floor, the 89 th and he gets down.

Looking around to see everyone stand up from their seats. Bowing at him.

With confidence strides he makes way towards his office. To only stop in front of an employee. Hardening his gaze at the attire.

Seeing her literally trembling under his stare.

" What clothes are you wearing? Don't you know the dress code of my office?"

She clenches her top's hem tightly. Yes, she was dressed differently. In black jeans and a top. Not on those tight fitting pencil skirts and blouses. But it was because she was not comfortable in those clothes. She felt awkward.

" I am sorry Sir...but I am not comfortable in the-"

He shows her his hand. Not asking for any of her explanations. To speak clearly and authoritatively.

" I don't give a damn to your comfort. This is my office and what I say goes here."

" Out now. No need to come from tomorrow."

" No Sir please"

But who said he was listening. Walking past her. He didn't wait for any of her explanations.

Everyone else take a deep sigh. Seeing him walk towards his room. When suddenly he stops again.

Staring at the puddle under his feet that just ruined his thousands dollar shoes.

" Fuc*! Who spilt the water here! "

No one speaks anything. Hearing him roar.To only have an old sweeper to rush towards him.

" Sir...sir..I was just cleaning it....oh no....Your shoes..."

" Oh god. Wait let me clean it "

The poor man picks up a cloth and rushes forward to clean his shoes with his hand. When the boss.

Literally pushes the man with his foot. Roaring at him.

" How dare you touch me you fil*th!"

The man falls back on the floor. Making a sharp pain to erupt in his back. His hands trembling.

While the boss, he had no pity in his eyes. Extends his palms for his guard to sanitize his hands. He looks down at the old man in disgust.

" Don't you ever touch me. You get it?"

The boss speaks in a deadly voice , showing him his finger. While the sweeper was in tears. Joining his hands , he pleads.

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz