Jungkook chuckled and returned the hug. After few seconds they pulled away and the CEO smacked the younger's head and jungkook rubbed his head there and pouted a bit at that. "How many times have i told you not to be so formal with me ,huh? Still you dumb rabbit never listen to me."

"Okay okay sorry appa, i won't bow next time and will remember that." Jungkook said and after that soohyun asked them to come sit in the dining area ,as the food is ready and it will get cold if not eaten soon.

Taehyung was just looking a bit shocked at the appa-kookie duo as he didn't really expect them to be this close even though jungkook told him that they have known each other from a long time but seeing it with his own eyes was different.

Soon ,they took seats in the chairs on the dining table with soohyun on the head chair ,taehyung on left and jungkook on right side and served food in their plates first and then in his own.

And the three of them started eating their food ,when taehyung stopped and asked the eldest "wahh!! It's so good ,from where did you bring this dad ? Because maid didn't come today if i am not wrong. "

Soohyun looked at him with a smug face and said ,"i cooked it." Taehyung's eyes face looked like he had Seen a ghost or anything and jungkook had a wide smile on his face, "really appa? Did you make samgyeopsal for me?" Asked jungkook.

"Yes i did ,it's your favorite ,right? And you love it when i cook it." Soohyun said before serving that for jungkook and continued eating his food again.

While taehyung still was looking at both elders shocked and finally voiced out "y-you cooked it ? But i have never seen you cook ? You are not joking ,right? If you have cooked for him before ,why didn't you cook for me?"he said sulking a bit with a huge fake sad pout .

"Brat ,you forgot i made sandwiches this morning? And i don't need to cook when we have a maid here ,i just cooked today because it was kookie's first time in out home and maid was on a leave today. And if you don't remember first 10 years of your life ,you have eaten food made by these hands only idiot." Said soohyun ,then continued to eat his food.

Taehyung made an expressionless face and muttered 'favouratism' under his breath. What he didnt know was jungkook could hear it and was holding back his laugh watching the Kim duo bickering and it has been a long time since he laughed genuinely.

When tae heard a little chuckle ,he looked up and saw jungkook clasping his lips together to control himself from laughing . And taehyung just took the time to properly look at him and he was honestly mesmerized by the older s beauty ,he looked like an angel and his skin seemed so soft than he wanted to touch it ,how his eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched . How he looked like a bunny while eating and also had bunny teeth ,how his long hair looked so pretty on him and suited him so much. He finally snapped out of it when he heard the clinking of his metal chopsticks against the plate and saw that he had finished his food and he didn't even notice it when .

Taehyung ,what are you doing ,stop thinking nonsense things .

He scolded himself . Before standing up and taking all the plates to the kitchen to wash them later as the other two had also finished eating.

After placing all the utensils in the sink he returned back ,seeing the other duo indulged in a coversation about something related to the office which he was not even a tad bit interested about. But still he again sat back on his seat again because not like he had any better things to do.

When appa-kookie duo were done with the conversation , "dad ,you are gonna wash the dishes now ,i ain't doing anything , i washed last night's dishes if you remember ,now it's your turn." Said taehyung looking at soohyun. Who just stared at him in disbelief.

"There were turns?" He said arching a single eyebrow at his son.

"Ofcourse ,there were . I ain't doing all the work Oldman." Uttered taehyung fake glaring at the eldest.

"Yeah yeah fine ,i will do it ,now i have something to talk about to both of you." blurted soohyun looking at both jungkook and taehyung and put both his elbows on the table with his hands intertwined infront of him and rest his chin on them and leaned in.

"So mister taehyung ,when are you moving in with kookie? Ofcourse if jungkook doesn't have any problem with that ,i can buy a new apartment for you two both anytime." Questioned the CEO to the soon to be couple.

Taehyung was baffled ,"what do you mean move in with him ,first you suddenly tell me that i m getting married when i am not even interested in getting married and i now you want me to move out too ,and why can't he move in with us if someone HAS to move in,hm?"

"See ,i don't have any problem with with him moving in ,but the thing is i know he wouldn't want to. And it's been 22 years we have been living together ,give me some privacy too youngman ,i m single and handsome afterall." Soohyun said flicking his imaginary long hair."so what do you say kookie?are you okay with him moving in with you?"

"Yes appa ,i am okay with it if he's okay with it ,just tell me when you will move in. It's empty anyway. There are 4 rooms , all with attached bathroom and balcony. A kitchen , living room and an office room As well . Are you comfortable with it? You can have any room you want. " Said jungkook looking at taehyung and he almost sounded desperate as he finally got the chance to not be alone in that big house anymore and will finally have someone who will share it with him ,he didn't wanna let it go.

"Do you have a maid?" Enquired taehyung curiously. "Umm why would I need a maid when i live alone anyways."jungkook answered awkwardly.

"I think you are old enough to do your work yourself ,taehyung" soohyun intervened. "But daddd~" tae whined looking at him because he truly despised doing any work ,he is just lazy like that.

"You have to grow up taehyung,you can't always have everything done for you .I know what i m doing. i want only the best for you son , i wont let you destroy your life like that . You will do what i say." Said his father staring at him seriously.

Taehyung groaned because even though he loves his father a lot and knows what his father is saying is true but he is getting annoyed for hearing the same words again and again.
Just because you know it's true ,doesn't mean you wanna actually hear it .

"Okay ,do whatever you want,not Iike you gonna listen to me ,why ask if you are gonna do your own thing anyway."barked taehyung before abruptly getting up and leaving from there . His father sighed looking at his son.

"Appa ,did you really had to do it? Now he is angry at you ,i mean i don't have any problem but even if you think it is good for him ,forcing him for everything ,it still feels kinda wrong to me ." The long haired man said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about him. I will talk to him in the morning ,he can't stay mad at me for long ,i Know him." Said the elder man smiling a bit to reassure his soon to be son in law.

"the dinner is done ,i should leave i guess and it's getting late too ,i have to sleep so I can come to office at time tomorrow. Just tell me beforehand when he's gonna move in ,okay ? And appa i forgot to ask for his number ,can you send it to me later?" Asked jungkook while standing up ready to leave.

"Okay i will send it to you ,and you can stay if you want you know? But i won't force you or anything ." Said soohyun standing up as well to see jungkook off as he knows jungkook isn't gonna agree to the offer.

"No appa ,i should go ,thank you for the offer tho." They both walked to the out door ,both hugged for a bit as their usual habit. And left after waving at the elder.


That's it for this chapter.

Hope y'all like it .

Not proofread ,please do tell if there are any typos.

Till next time....~

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