"Are you serious?! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! I've been wanting to meet your students for the longest! I can just imagine the small ones playing" Maka said excited

"Yea it's going to be fifteen songs total, first the flutes and clarinets, the violins, the pianist and then the whole orchestra together"

The day of the concert Soul went on ahead early to greet the students and help them with the jitters. They were allowed to use a theater that luckily had a grand piano as well. Soul wore a black suit and a dark red undershirt, his hair was long enough to hold a low pony tail.

Maka got ready by wearing a black suit with a white button down, she wore dress shoes and tied her hair in a low bun with a clip resting on top of her bun.

When Maka arrived she saw a lot of people surprising her how much support the small music school had. Maka handed her ticket and was given a pamphlet with the names of the students, faculty, and songs that were going to be played

Maka sat in the middle able to see the whole platform, the lights began to dim and the audience took their seats and kept quiet. Oden walked up to the microphone and everyone applauded

"Good evening everyone, thank you all for coming and supporting our music school. It is such an honor to let you all see these talented students come up here and show you their progress of our school. Without further ado, let's begin" he bowed slightly and left the stage

The red heavy curtains open and bright yellow lights beamed at the eight students, four flutes and four clarinets.

As they harmonized, Maka's eyes sparkled at the beautiful music they made. The students looked very focused and nervous, when they finished their songs everyone applaud

The curtain closed and soft music played in the back while the next set of students got ready to perform. The feint sound of the chairs shuffling and steps moving around the stage echoed quietly

The music stopped and the curtain opened with ten violinist. The songs were very uplifting and beautiful, making Maka sway to the sound they created.

The last couple students were going to play on the grand piano individually. The first student was what seemed to be a middle schooler, he seemed nervous by the look of his face.

He looked across from him and what Maka can assume was one of his teachers reassuring him he would be alright. He nodded in confidence and began to play, the song was fast and loud. Everyone was in awe at the song

As he played Maka noticed the sweat building up on his forehead, the concentration was there but his hands, arms and feet move gracefully like a ballerina

At the end of the song everyone gave him a standing ovation. The second student was a girl with a pink dress and pigtails, she seemed about ten or eleven years old. Her performance was just was great as any student everyone cheering excitedly

After the final student the curtain closed once again giving everyone a five minute break to get everything set up for their final songs. Maka stood up to stretch a little, you can hear the chairs moving and papers flipping. A couple students testing their instruments before their final song

When the lights blinked signaling the audience to sit and quiet down everyone waited patiently.

The heavy curtain opened revealing the all of the students and Oden as their conductor, he bowed as everyone applaud

He waved his baton indicating the students to begin. The songs were soothing and calm, making the room feel like home. At the end of the second song Oden took the microphone and announced

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