
hey Jimin, how are you today? 

oh, you're here already keke. 


im good just had my exercises. now im resting in bed


glad to hear your doing okay. 

*yoongi is calling*

*1 missed call from yoongi*


SORRY i didn't mean to press call!


keke its okay, you can call me if you want. i wouldn't mind~


really? i would like to knw what your voice sounds like


lets...call? i am shy tho... i wont be as talkative as here....heh


dont worry about that


okay. lets call then. :)

*yoongi is calling*

*on call, 00:03 minutes*

"Hello? Its yoongi" 

Jimin almost gasped when he hard the other's voice. it was so much lower than his it made him self conscious. yoongi had such a calm and relaxed voice.

"h-hi" jimin said shyly "its..Jimin"

"wow, your voice is beautiful. is that your actual voice!?" yoongi said sounding surprised.

"yea, it is"

"You're like an angel, damn"

"yah, d-dont make me embarrassed"

 "sorry sorry" yoongi chuckled. and that chuckle he made Jimin's belly tingle with butterflies. there was something about this man's voice that made him feel so funny and warm inside. 

"its nice to be able to imagine a voice to the face now. i didnt expect your voice this low"

"hmm no?"

"really, i thought it was a little higher. mine really high but, so not as mine but just a little bit"

"i hope i didnt disappoint"

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