Chapter 4

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A week passed after Tinie visited her Grandfather, and within this span of time, she had three strange dreams.

Although the subject of the dream remained the same, the events occurring in her unconscious mind during rem sleep were different.

The protagonist of her series of dreams was a blonde male, and it took place in what seemed to be a victorian-like era. He wore fancy clothing and behaved accordingly, spoke softly and moved with grace. There was no doubt he was a Prince.

Her dreams composed of snippets about the blonde's life, like things he liked to do, places he liked to be in, and people he liked to be around with. She saw that the blonde had seven other male friends, but their faces were kind of blurry so she could hardly see what they looked like.

A finger snapped in front of her cutting her train of thoughts, and bringing her back to reality.

"A penny for your thoughts? You seem to be spacing out."her classmate and friend Jia asked.

"I just remembered something, it's nothing."Tinie replied, reverting her focus back towards the tour guide, who takled about the history of the artifact behind him.

Her class was currently on a trip to a local museum, to learn about history and such. Tinie followed along her schoolmates as they moved towards the next display.

While trying her best to remember what the guide was saying, and simply taking notes on her notepad, her eyes caught sight of a beautiful statue not far from her. She then thought back to the statue back at her Grandfather's house and shrugged.

After the trip ended early in the afternoon, they were asked to write a narrative about the tour and what they learned, so Tinie went to the library to get started.

She settled on a table by a window and set some of her stuff on the table, popping her pen with a click as she began scribbling words onto her paper.

It didn't take her long to finish, as the trip was still fresh in her mind. She gathered her things and proceeded to leave, but saw the section of fiction books and thought about looking for something to read.

She started looking through  shelves of books, in search for something that would intrigue her. Tinie finally settled with a red paperback, the cover had a side profile of a male wearing a crown and below was the title " The Statue Prince"she read out loud.

What an interesting name for a book. She thought to herself as she made her way out of the section, headed to the counter to borrow the book.

She left the library with the book on her arms, as she proceeded on her way home.


Tinie had gotten attached to the book in no time, she finished it the night she got home and the ending prevented her from getting any sleep.

She cried while and after reading it, that her eyes were slightly puffy the next day. All her life, a book had never touched her and emotionally build her and shattered her like that all together in one sitting.

She thought that the author was a genius, and that their choice of words were like magic that she decided to look them up.

"Park Seonghwa."she murmured as she scrolled through the article about the author, containing basic informations about the man whose writing had deeply reached her.

The writer had two notable works namely The Statue Prince and Starlight and hasn't decided on making any new projects. He was currently on hiatus, but there was an overwhelming amount of fans who wished for the author to write a second book for The Statue Prince, and now Tinie was one of them.

Deciding that she was now a fan of the author, she left her house to return the book and get herself  her own copy of it along with Starlight from a local bookstore.

"I hope I meet this author one day." She said to herself as she fondly eyes the new paperbacks in her hands, running her fingers over the aesthetic covers.

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