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⚠️TW: Mentions of Transphobia and descriptions of dysphoria⚠️

Adrien turned to Plagg who was munching on a small price of cheese, "Promise me you'll stay here, Marinette." Adrien turned back to Marinette.


"Promise me, Marinette." Adrien had tears in his eyes, "Promise me. I need you safe."

Marinette just nodded. She couldn't tell him she was Ladybug. She couldn't tell him that she would be joining him.

Adrien smiled softly, "Plagg, Claws Out!" Adrien felt uneasy as the green glow surrounded him. He would not only have to confront an Akuma, but Ladybug as well. Chat Noir give Marinette a soft kiss on the head.

A warm blush colored her cheeks. Chat Noir leapt out onto her balcony and pushed himself off with his baton.

Marinette sighed as she watched him leap away. She didn't want to see his reaction to seeing Ladybug again. She didn't want to hide this from him anymore, but she knew if she told him, she'd lose him forever.

  "Tikki, Spots On." Marinette felt the normally comforting glow surround her. She felt her stomach churn. She hoisted herself out onto her balcony and let her yo-yo pull her towards the attack.

She dropped to the cement earth as a crash made her jump. She was on edge, she knew that her and Chat Noir wouldn't work week together this time. She was scared.

"Hello Ladybug."  Chat landed swiftly next to her.

"Any news on the Akuma yet?"

  "Not yet." Chat turned away and Ladybug felt her heart sink.

  Someone quickly came running up to them, it looked like Chloe. If Chloe was a boy, "Ladybug! There you are. You have to fix this utterly ridiculous mess!"

  "Chloe?" Chat asked timidly.

  "Of course it's me! That stupid akuma did this!"

  "Chloe Bourgeois! Where are you?" A man is a white suit with pink and blue stripes leapt down from the Eiffel Tower.

  Chloe quickly ducked behind . "Ladybug, hurry up and fix this!" She cried.

  Ladybug stepped forward to examine the vilain swinging her yo-yo.

"Ah, Ladybug, Chat Noir, how kind of you to join me. Unfortunately, I need your Miraculous."

  Chat stepped forward, "Unfortunately, you won't be taking them!"

  The vilain shot a beam at Ladybug who just barely dodged, "You two can't run forever."

  Lady swung her yo-yo up and landed on the Eiffel Tower. Chat swiftly landed next to her, "Well, we know one thing about the villain. And that's his powers."


  "Come on." He swiftly leapt away just as another beam shot towards the pair of them.

  "Chat, please can we talk."

  "Oh, are the two of you in a bit of an argument?" The villain called, "there's no time for that now! I am Dysphoriac and you will obey me!"

  "Dysphoriac?" Chat questioned.

  "Not a chance!" Ladybug called back.

   "I wouldn't be so sure." Dysphoriac watched as Ladybug slowly turned to face Chat. That's when he took his chance.

  The beam hit Ladybugs side and it knocked her to the ground, "Ladybug!" Chat called running over. He kneeled down to check on her, "LB?" Chat gently turned her over and noticed her hair now was identical to his only the same dark hair.

Red Spots and Black Amumas : A sequel to WSPB Where stories live. Discover now