The Only Ones: Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

After mulling over all the possibilities of ways to torment Jayy with his love for me (which I returned, I just have my own special way of showing it) I trotted over to Roses room inside the shop and knocked lightly on the door, letting her know of my presence.

When I didn’t get a response I sneakily slithered in and stood behind her chair only to find her with ear buds in singing ‘Sink or Float’ by Falling in Reverse softly, under her breath. When the chorus came I jumped out in front of her making her fall out of her chair in surprise, her limbs flailing and eyes wide. Even though she is immortal she is still excessively clumsy and it escapes me how she didn’t fall over with every step she took as a human.

When she got up I was on the ground doubled over in laughter for the second time in the past 12 hours. She looked down at me with a scowl corrupting her delicate face and said in an annoyed voice “What do you want, can’t you see I’m studying?” Once I had stopped laughing I said breathlessly “Jayy is moving in with me, just a heads up”

When I said this her scowl quickly turned into a frown and my eyebrows creased at her change in mood “I thought you liked J-“ Then I understood. She would be the odd man out since Kelly and Dahvie were always together and I would be busy annoying/loving Jayy. I had always been there for her and now I guess I was kind of ditching her.

I instantly jumped up and looked her in the eyes promising sincerely “You won’t be the only one without a soul mate for long, we will find him, I promise”

Yes I did say soul mate. That is one of our 'powers', to sense when we have found the one we would die for, I know it’s kind of cliché but I didn’t get to choose my abilities. Now that she was the only single Vampire left in existence the guy for her had to be as unique as her so I had high standards. Whoever you are, you better be good enough for Rose, YOU HEAR ME!?!

She looked at me with a determined expression, trying not to show any cracks in her armor but I think inside she was accepting the fact that she was going to be alone for a while. I pulled her into a bone-crushing hug that she returned with a small whimper.

It really tore me up inside to know she wishes that she hadn’t been saved from her abusive boyfriend and turned into one of us. I, on the other hand, am glad that Dahvie had saved me that night, what I did to myself was a big mistake and I am really glad that fate decided to give me a second chance at life.

We finally untangled our arms and stood back from each other, she stared at the ground due to embarrassment that seemed to plague everything she did. I though, was staring at the wall, thinking of ways to find her mate. Then I was suddenly on the ground and Rose was standing above me frantically searching the room for what had knocked me over.

Our widened eyes met as we realized that we both felt a presence at the east side of her room. I pointed to the closet door to see if she was on the same page. She nodded. We both cautiously sneaked over to her closet and opened the door a crack only to be met with a pair of bright hazel eyes.

 Rose looked at me with a once-in-a-life-time gleam in her eyes and I knew it had happened. She had found her soul mate.

Oh, and you want to know the best part?

He was a Fae.



The actual character of Rose would be a little younger than the picture to the side. I am sorry this chapter is sooo short my friend (The person this chapter is dedicated to, imntoavampirefir) has been bugging me like crazy to update and I wanted Rose to find her mate in this chapter and I couldnt figure out how to make it take longer.


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