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Deku dies, so All Might, Aizawa, and Present Mic eat his body.

Idea from: Ijustwanttoread854 💀


"Recovery Girl, how is he?" All Might asked.

"Seems to be in a coma. He'll probably die tho. That attack from the craxy ass blonde girl in the LOV was brutal," Recovery Girl replied.

Silence over took the room.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"EVERYONE OUT!" Recovery Girl yelled.

Turning over to Deku, she said, "Hey, Deku, you still in there?"

"One for–" Deku started to say.

"No? Okay! I'll tell everyone what happened, and that you're now just a memory," Recovery Girl said. Adding one last thing, she said," This is what happens when you break a crap ton of bones every fricking day."

With that, the monitor went to a straight line.

"You guys can come in now!" Recovery Girl said.

"How is he?" Present Mic asked.

"Looks dead-" Aizawa said.

"Correct, Eraserhead!" Recovery Girl said. "I'll let you have your last moments with him." She continued, walking out the door.

"Who's gonna eat him first?" Aizawa asked.

"I should, I'm his father." All Might said.

"Too late suckers," Present Mic said, causally eating Deku's leg.

And with that everyone grabbed as much as they could from the body lying dead before them.

"Wait," Aizawa said. "Who's gonna eat his dick?"

What an amazing ending.


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