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"your wife implied..."

"maggie" alex nodded her head in greeting as she entered the older woman's lavish office, full of dark woods and black frames.
"alex...can i help you?" maggie replied back slightly weary as she looked up from her work.
"i need to talk to you" alex placed her bag down in one seat, then sat down in the other remaining seat.
this was her second time trying to get what she wanted, she couldn't fail. not again.
maggie leant forward, her hands clasped together on the desk.
alex made eye contact finally with her for the first time since she'd entered.
her eyes darted around the woman's features before travelling down the navy silk blouse, before finally landing on the sparkling ring on her finger.
alex cleared her throat awkwardly as she caught maggies smirk.
"your book" alex started.
"i need to see it" alex said, sitting up even more stiffly, trying to show maggie she wasn't going to backdown.
"well i believe you already have seen it" maggie replied, referring to the vegas catastrophe that led to alex storming out of her room at 3am.
god she hated the smug confidence maggie always exuded.
"maggie..." her name sounded like a plea.
"what is it you want to see inside it?" maggie asked, sitting back in her chair.
"your...your wife suggested that...well she implied that..."
"oh..." maggie looked down, the smirk still playing on her lips. she should've known laura would let something slip just to throw a dig at her old pal
"the part about you sleeping with mitch"
alex blinked as her eyes darted around the room, almost as if she was looking for someone to be listening in, waiting to sell their story to page 6.
"that's what you're worried about?"
alex looked back up to maggie, before nodding slightly.
"well..." maggie sighed "it's in there, you know it is"
alex swallowed, trying to keep her impatience at bay.
"yes i know that" she snapped "but i need to know exactly what it says so i can get ahead of it before it blows up the small amount of respect america still has for me"
maggie smiled, trying her hardest to not roll her eyes as she leant forward again, her voice dropping,
"oh alex...who told you anyone still has respect for you?"

you give me a sentence and a TMS ship, and i write a mini story including it :)

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