After training with Mīkāl for centuries, Gabriel knew how fond he was of the assortment of weapons he'd forged. And how lethally he yielded them both in training and on the battlefield. He was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

"Greetings, brother," Mīkāl said warmly, clasping Gabriel's hand and bringing it in towards his chest. "It's been too long."

"It really has been," Gabriel nodded and threw a heavy arm around his friend's shoulders.

"I trust your passage through Nyx was tolerable?" Mīkāl walked with him into the tent, and they sat at a circular table to the side.

"Just about."

The two sat in silence, silently assessing each other. Mīkāl broke the silence first. "So I take it this isn't a visit just to see an old friend?"

Gabriel took a deep breath in. "Unfortunately not. I need to ask you about your time at Glenthé House." Mīkāl sat back and crossed his arms, waiting. "You had a posting there a few centuries ago. Other than Adonai, who else lived there?" Gabriel asked in a low voice.

Mīkāl ran a hand through his white hair, casting his mind back. "Well, there was Senoi, acting as Sentry. And Lilith."

Gabriel's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? Lilith couldn't have been there that long ago - I watched her come out of the ground just a few weeks ago. And Raphael told me she and Adam were new to Eden."

"Adonai hasn't told you yet then? Adam is new to Eden, yes, but Lilith has been in Eden for centuries now. Adonai constantly spectres her to forget her past lives, and it takes its toll." Mīkāl said matter of factly.

Gabriel winced, remembering the sound of Lilith's scream the most recent time Adonai had invaded her mind.

Mīkāl leaned forward in his chair. "After a few decades, before her mind can shatter from all that daekai interwoven into it, he kills her." Seeing the disgusted look on Gabriel's face, he quickly continued. "Oh, it's fine - she can't actually be killed. She naturally regenerates into a new body, but with her mind censored and restored so that she doesn't go mad. And it works for Adonai because he can continue to spectre her."

"Why? Why go to all that effort of keeping her constantly subdued? She's just a Proximayan, she doesn't have any daekai."

"You don't know who she really is, do you?" Mīkāl raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Gabriel glared at the male opposite him. Mīkāl lowered his voice as though the cloth of the tent was listening. "She's Rhexin."


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Lilith asked, alarm ripping through her. In a second, all drowsiness disappeared and she sat up, alert and wary.

Adam ran his hand down the bedroom door, ensuring it was fully sealed before turning towards her. "Come on, Lilith, don't act surprised," he smirked.

Lilith said nothing, at a loss for words. Her eyes widened in fear as he began to walk towards her, intention clear in every step. She sat up, elbows propped up on the plush cushions behind her, momentarily frozen in place. Every ounce of her being screamed at her to get up, to run, but she couldn't move.

He came to a halt at the end of her bed, standing over her, his otherwise handsome features overshadowed by a look of base lust that flashed across his face. "Do you know how hard it's been to control myself all these weeks with you prancing about in those god-damned tailored dresses?" His voice was smooth and collected, yet sharp. "You've been asking for it, haven't you, thinking I wouldn't notice you dressing up for me."

Rhexin: Shackles of EdenWhere stories live. Discover now