Ancient Agenda

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"Puncture holes?! What?!" I asked in total surprise. "What the hell from?"

Tammy the nurse's brown eyes widened, "Now no need ta be usin' potty mouth Miss Shane! " she smirked, but I could tell she didn't appreciate cussing. Here in these parts, outside of the city of New Orleans, she was most likely a faithful church going woman.

"Allow me to apologize Tammy. I did not mean to offend. I'm only extremely confused. You see, I just moved here from the east coast. Connecticut. I'm very puzzled about this happening to me." I explained, now feeling on the verge of tears and definitely alone in this strange town.

"Oh! Don'tcha worry yerself none. No offense taken." said the nurse with genuine understanding of my current situation. "Doc'll be in, in justa spell. You enjoy the rest of yer day. I'll see ya tomorrow, cause I think you'll git released in the mornin' right after my shift starts. Ta'ta!" And off nurse Tammy went, wisked away with starched uniform and squeaky white sneakers. Left alone, I laid in the warm blankets of my hospital bed, awaiting patiently for the doctor that had apparently saved my life.

Chapter Three

"Hello there miss! " greeted a strong, deep, but cheerful voice. I lifted my head and slowly eased into a seated position to see, whom I assumed to be,my doctor.

"Hi." I replied, not feeling as happy.

"Wow! You look great Miss Shane! Much better than when ya came in the other night! That's fer sure!" said the tall, dark and handsome man(naturally), who appeared to be around my own age.

"I assume you're the doc that saved my life? Dr. Woolf?" he nodded as I continued. "I have lots of questions." I finished.

"As of course you would." the doctor said with a smirk of good humor, of which I was certainly not feeling much of. At least, not until I got a sound explanation about what had happened to me.

"What do you mean, 'the other night?'" I asked for starters.

"You've been here coupl'a days miss." said the doc. "Yer friend Al brought'cha in with our ambulance Friday night. Today's Sunday. Afternoon time." he finished with that same good-humored smirk on his smooth-complected, handsome face. The good doctor had amazing green eyes with small flecks of yellow. His brows so perfect, it appeared they were professionally waxed. His nose long and thin, but attractively so. Cheekbones that any woman would kill to possess, as well as perfect, full lips with a subtle dip over the top lip. He was clean shaven and slightly tanned. I couldn't be distracted. I needed answers. Well, not TOO distracted anyway. After all, I WASN'T dead.

As if the doctor could read my thoughts, he said, "No. You are quite alive. And, I will be more than happy to answer any questions. If I can answer them."

"What does that mean, 'if you can? Don't you know what's wrong with me? I mean, was. What were the punctures? Where could they have come from? I have been moving into a new apartment. Maybe I cut myself. I just don't understand all of that blood! " I asked frantically. "And that bump on my head! Did I hit it falling, or did someone deck me? I don't even know if I was robbed!" I continued, now literally crying. This was so overwhelming! First the move. Then secondly, having to heft all of my belongings out of my Range Rover, into the apartment, then dropped into the proper rooms that the boxes and 30 gallon, plastic bins have to be unpacked in!

Just too much for little me!

Getting over my silent pity party, I said more calmly, "I am truly sorry doctor. I'm just really overwhelmed about now."

"Completely understandable. Your head injury was caused by a blunt object, so you were attacked by someone. As far as what you were hit with, your guess is as good as mine at this point. My main concern was the bleeding at the time you were brought in. The punctures appear to be bite marks. From what, again your guess, is as good as mine. Do you have any pets? A dog perhaps?" asked the doctor, his head slightly tilted to emphasize his curiousity and attempt at figuring out this mystery."What really has me stumped, is the loss of so much blood. Your injuries didn't warrant such loss, and now you are on the border of anemia. Were you always anemic? "

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