Cool night breeze

Start from the beginning

"But it feels so clunky." I respond.

"That's because you're still using it as a tool." Nick explains.
"You need to train yourself to use it as an extension of yourself."

"That doesn't make any sense!" I argue causing Nick to chuckle.

"It will."

"Now, I think we should call it a night." Lilith says.
"You, Amity and Eda are going to the human realm tomorrow am I correct?"

"Yeah, I'm showing Amity around my home town a bit more." I say.
"And Eda said she'd come along so my mum had someone to talk to."

"Well then we'll have our next training in a couple days." Nick says as he walks up to me. "Keep trying with the bat, it does get easier." And with that we all make our journey home, though my thoughts still linger on the note given to me by Zoe.

Zoe pov
I floated in my preservation tank, designed to keep my body fresh and healthy. I was unable to move, the liquid of the tank keeping me in place. It was infused with ancient magic, designed to extend someone's life. Belos had been putting me in this tank ever since I was a child, it would heal my injuries, keep me in tip top shape. I don't know why he kept me in here, he didn't keep Hunter here so it wasn't just for his top soldiers, no I was in here for a reason he was keeping from me.

But what choice did I have? With the cast of a spell Belos could end me without a care in the world. I thought he would when I gave the key back to the human. But he didn't... i have no clue why but now I had to play nice. Be the cooperative fighter he wanted me to be.

I envy the human. She gets freedom, a real life, a life that's hers. But me? I do what the emperor wants, when he wants it. Kikimora hasn't taken her eye off me since the betrayal, except from when I was in this tank. Floating here, partially conscious, my mind caught between dreams and reality, just floating.

All of a sudden I felt the liquid drain from the tank, the feeling returning to my limbs slowly, I wiggled my fingers as my body lowered with the liquid. I opened my eyes as I adjusted to the light, trying to see the figure in front of me.
"Wakey wakey." The hoarse voice ahead of me said.

A grabbed the hand that was extended out to me and as I got to my feet I was finally able to identify the person infront of me
"Ugh Hunter what do you want?" I asked as I rolled my eyes, secretly glad he was here to let me out.

"You wanna go for a walk?" Hunter asks me, ignoring my sarcasm.

I silently nod as we sneak our way through the back rooms of the castle to avoid any questions from the guards. We eventually sneak out a window and climb up to the top of the castle.
"Interesting definition of a walk." I say as i place my foot in another precarious foothold.

"Quit complaining we're almost there." He said back as he swings up to the roof.

Soon enough the two of us are laying down on the roof, looking up at the starts. The air was crisp and cool, but not cold, it was that perfect temperature that made you feel comfort like never before.
"So does daddy Belos know you're up here?" I ask the boy next to me.

"He's my uncle." Hunter corrected.
"And no he doesn't so don't go blabbing."

I let a moment pass before speaking again.
"Why did you let me out of the tank?"

"I thought you could use the fresh air." He said with a shrug. I smiled a bit, I knew what he was risking to let me out without the emperors permission so I appreciated the fact he was thinking of me.
"There's been whispers and rumours that we'll be getting assigned something special soon." He said, changing the subject.

"The both of us?" I asked with surprise. I must admit, I'm shocked the emperor would want me on an assignment again so soon after my apparent betrayal.

"I'm supposed to keep an eye on you." Hunter added.
"Like a babysitter." He teased.

I elbowed him to which he groaned.
"We're like the same age asshole."

"I am 8 months older." He corrected and I stuck my tongue out at him as we laughed.

Hunter wasn't like the other guards or even like the other people in the emperors inner circle. Whereas people like Kikimora and Lilith had always been cold and distant to me, Hunter seemed nicer. Despite the fact that Belos was his only surviving relative, he managed to keep a certain kindness about him. He cared about people, despite how much he would deny it and try to hide it I could tell he wasn't fully comfortable with the actions the Emperor made him take. I had always wondered the type of life me and Hunter would lead if we weren't in the coven. Maybe we would've gotten to go to hexside for real, maybe we would've gotten to have normal lives where me and Hunter could have the kind of friendship normal kids our age got to have. Maybe we'd have been more...

My train of thought was interrupted when we heard some commotion from below. The guards were wondering the castle, they would check my room soon.
"We need to get you back in the tank." Hunter said with some urgency.

I nodded at him and we quickly backtracked through the castle to my chambers. I got into the tank as Hunter began filling it up with the liquid. I put the breathing apparatus in my mouth and looked at Hunter as the liquid rose above my chest.
"I'm sorry." Hunter said as the liquid rose above my head and I felt myself slip into the dreamlike state I was so familiar with.

Love is never easy (a sequel to time enough for love)Where stories live. Discover now