New normal

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A/N. Hello everyone, the long awaited sequel to Time enough for love is finally out. In celebration of season 2 b coming out in just a couple days I decided to publish the chapters as they are written as opposed to writing the whole fic first. This does mean that chapters will be published a little inconsistently but I just wanted to get publishing so I hope you all enjoy.

I sat there in awe as my dad seemingly pulled a rabbit out of a previously shown to be empty hat. I was absolutely flabbergasted as I watched my dad perform a feat that my small 6 year old brain could not even begin to understand. "How did you do that?!" I asked with shock.

My dad gave a small chuckle. He was a fair average sized man, with long limbs and brown hair. "A magician never reveals his secrets Luz."

"But I wanna know!!!" I complained.

"It's magic Luz." He said with a smile. "Believe that Luz." Then he turned more sinister. "Believe Luz. Luz Luz Luz Luz Luz."

I awoke with a start as I struggled to refocus myself to my surroundings.

"Luz Luz Luz LUZ!" King yelled as he shook me valiantly.

I finally was able to gather myself and realise I was in the owl house, having fallen asleep on the sofa, and the small demon known as King was very desperately trying to get my attention.

"What is it King? I asked with a tired voice.

"Eda is falling out the sky!!!!" He said, fear echoing from his voice.

My eyes widened with shock as I leaped of the couch and ran outside to see that Eda was, in fact, falling from an extremely deadly height. Her body was limp, meaning she was either unconscious or... I pushed the thought out of my head as I drew a large glyph in the dirt with a stick and slammed my hand down on it as Eda continued to plummet towards the ground. Massive vines erupted from the ground and raced towards the fugitive, wrapping themselves around her and slowing her decent. The vines lowered her to the ground safely as King and I ran over to her.

"Eda eda eda, be okay please." King said as he shook the woman, tears in his eyes and desperation in his voice.

Eda began to stir before groggily sitting up. "Why am I outside?" She asked. "Luz is this another weird human prank?"

"You were falling from the sky!" I said loudly as the adrenaline continued to course through me?

"Ah well." Eda said as she stood up, cracking her back before taking of her head and giving it a shake. "Stuff happens."

"Eda this is serious!" King protested.

"Is this because of your curse?" I asked.

Eda's expression became grim as he smile fell of her face. The elixir made to fight off Eda's curse was becoming less and less effective as she was turning into the owl beast more often. She brushed off the question, choosing not to answer. "Cmon you need to get to school." She deflected and I sighed as i went back into the owl house to grab my stuff.

A few hours later

"So you what is Eda's plan for her curse?" Willow asked me as we took our stuff out of our lockers.

"I don't think she has one." I responded. "Lilith keeps trying to get her to see someone but she refuses." Lilith had been the most adamant to get Eda help, most likely out of guilt as she is the one who cursed Eda in the first place.

"Well she has to do something or one day she might not turn back." Gus said. Gus had gotten quite a bit taller and his voice had deepened since the battle at blight manor which he said was due to witch puberty which I had to admit was one of the least weird things about the boiling isles.

Love is never easy (a sequel to time enough for love)Where stories live. Discover now