Due to popular demand, Mr Bump had eventually turned the human club into a full on, optional lesson, due to more students becoming interested in the human world since Luz's full time enrolment in the school. Nick had volunteered to teach human history as well as illusion due to his experience in the human realm.

Mattholomule suddenly lost his confidence as the colour drained from his face, his eyes widening at the teachers words. "No sir." He squeaked as he sheepishly sat back down.

"Well then you can join me after class in discussing why you feel the need to disturb my class." Nick said with thinly vailed aggression as Mattholmule nervously nodded his head.

As Nick returned to the lesson at hand me and Gus smiled at each other as Mattholomule sulked due to his newly gained detention.

After the lesson me and Gus parted ways outside the school as he began his walk home. However, before I got the chance to begin mine I heard my name being called. I turned to see Boscha waving to get my attention as she approached. I sighed as I prepared for whatever was about to come. While I'll admit that I'm glad Boscha is working on herself that doesn't mean I really forgive her. Boscha tormented me for years in a far cruller way than Amity ever had, and while Amity had apologised for her former actions Boscha had not done the same and I was still doubtful on if she was genuinely changing or just acting nicer as to not upset Skara.

"What is it Boscha?" I asked impatiently as she finally reached me.

"I wanted to ask you something." She said.

"Then ask." I shot back, not hiding my annoyance.

Boscha took a deep breath, like she was preparing to ask something difficult. "I need your help."

I was taken off guard by this admission. Boscha wasn't someone to ask for help under most circumstances so the fact she was asking me was most surprising.
"You want my help?" I asked, assuming I must've misheard her, surely she didn't actually need my help. Why would she need my help?

"Don't get a big head." She added rudely. "I just... I want to be a better person and you're like one of the best people I know, how do you do it?"

I was again taken by surprise as to what the 3 eyed girl was saying. She not only was admitting that she wanted to be better but she was giving me an actual complement.
"I mean I don't know Boscha. You can't really teach someone how to be a good person."

"But maybe if I spend more time with you I could learn!" Boscha suggested.

I pondered for a moment. The idea of spending more time with my old bully didn't exactly fill me with excitement but she seems genuine enough, and this way I could at least see if she was actually making an effort to be better. Evetually I sigh as I prepare myself for what was to come. "Fine." I relented as Boscha smiled

"Thank you!" She said as she grabbed my hands excitedly. "You won't regret this!"

I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

Emira pov

I run my hand through Viney's hair as she lays in front of me still breathing quite heavily as she drinks some water that I'd put by the side of my bed.
"Did I tucker you out?" I ask teasingly as she looks at me with a blush.

"You may have." She admits, satisfaction clear on her face. Then the sound of the front door being opened makes us both look at each other with the thought of 'Oh sh*t.' going through both our minds.

"Emira, Edric I'm back." The voice of Lilith echoes up the stairs as we quickly get dressed and I open my bedroom window as the sound of her footsteps grow louder as she approaches. Lilith gives a warning knock before opening the door.
"Dinner will be around an hour okay?" Lilith says as she sees the perfectly normal view of me on my bed with my scroll.

"Okay Lilith." I say nervously.

"Oh and Viney, your shirt is on backwards." Lilith jokes as she waves her hand, dissolving my hastily thrown up illusion.

Viney stares at the younger Clawthorne like a deer in headlights as a blush turns her face a scarlet colour.
"Uh thanks Ms Clawthorne." Viney squeaks as Lilith laughs teasingly as she leaves the room, the trick that I'd used a million times on my parents having been seen through like glass by Lilith.

"Well I guess there's no point you climbing out the window now." I joked nervously.

Viney adjusts her shirt and we open my door to leave, just as Edric opens his as him and Jerbo exit, a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"Lilith dissolve your illusion?" Edric asks as he looks at me. I nod awkwardly as we silently walk our partners out of the house without saying another word.

Just as we turn to go back inside we see our younger sister practically skip her way down the path. After the battle of blight manor Lilith and Nick had managed to cobble together a house for us to live in. It was out of the way, surrounded by woodland, not too dissimilar to the owl house, it was off building records so the emperor was unaware it even existed.

"Hello siblings!" Amity said with a smile as she bounced inside.

I give Edric a questioning look but he simply shrugs, clearly also surprised at the good mood of our younger sister.

"Someone's a happy camper." I say as I enter the house behind my sister.

"Well I had a good day." Amity said a little dismissively.

"Even so, it's weird to see you with such a spring in your step." Edric added.

"So let me get this straight." Amity began.

"A little ironic." Lilith quipped as she made her way past us.

"You see your sister being happy and your first response is suspicion?" The youngest Blight asks us.

Me and Ed look at each other.
"Yeah pretty much." We say in unison as we shrug.

"Unbelievable." Amity says, shaking her head in disbelief as she walks away.

"Oh honey I'm home." Nick says as he opens the front door, speaking in an exaggerated 1950s accent.

"2 months we lived here." Lilith says as the silver haired man closes the door behind him. "When are you going to stop doing that?"

"When it stops being fun." Nick quips as he puts down his stuff.

"May the titan help us all." Edric jokes which earns him a flick on the back of the head from the ex mercenary.

"We're gonna be training with Luz later right?" Amity asks the adults.

"That we will." Nick said as he starts to help Lilith cook.

"After dinner." Lilith adds. "Gotta get your energy up."

"Sounds like a plan." Amity says happily.

The group of 5 sat down once dinner had finished being cooked. I noticed that Amity wasn't eating, Lilith had purposefully given Amity a smaller portion to try and take some pressure off and despite her previously upbeat mood, she still couldn't seem to bring herself to eat any. I was worried about her but Luz had told me that she'd been helping Amity eat a little so I had hope that she was keeping healthy.

However, despite this, the atmosphere was so much lighter than it had ever been in the mansion. We were actually happy and more like a family than we had ever been with our 'parents.' Life for the first time in a long time felt right.

I just wished it had lasted...

Love is never easy (a sequel to time enough for love)Where stories live. Discover now