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I was sitting on the couch with Harry watching Super Eight, I can I just say, I think that it sucks. The doorbell rang and me and Harry looked at each other and he said, “ fine, “ because he knew that I didn’t want to get up and I wasn’t about to.

“ Casey, look who is here, “ he said. I looked over at the door and it was the four boys standing there, “ oh hey guys, what are you doing here?” I tried to say casually. They walked in and Louis said, “ we, really need to talk, “ and he shut the door behind him.

They all sat on the couch and Liam said, “ okay we just want you to know that we know that you know that we all have feelings for you and that we are not mad, and, we also know that you like someone else and that you broke up with Harry, and we were wondering,” he paused for a moment and looked at the rest of the guys and said, “ can you tell us if it is one of us.”

I was really surprised not just that they knew all this but also because they actually wanted to know who it was. I tried to say as nicely as I could, “ well, I would tell you guys but, I just think that it would put our friendship in jeopardy.” They all looked at each other and Niall said, “ Casey, we are okay with whoever you choose, we just want to get this over with.”

I stared at the guys and said, “ I, I just, I, no, I still think that it is a bad idea, you are all such great guys and I don’t want to hurt any of you.” They sighed and Zayn said, “ Casey, once again, you won’t hurt us, you actually might hurt us more if you don’t tell us who it is.” The boys nodded in agreement and then looked back at me.

I sighed and said, “ guys, this is, really hard for me, it’s just, I have liked this person for a really long time and I am afraid. “ Liam looked at me and said, “ afraid of what Casey?” He looked at the other guys and Harry said, “ yeah there is nothing to be afraid of, whoever it is, we understand and will except it.”

I couldn’t do this I just didn’t know what to say, I tried to say something and all that came out was, “ I, just, guys, I, um, I just.” I decided that it was not the time to talk and I did something, I did something that I had never had the nerve to do but I finally did. I kissed him, I kissed him and he kissed me right back, all the other guys were kinda astonished by who it was. But I didn’t care, because I loved him and I wasn’t afraid to admit it. When I pulled away I looked into his eyes and smiled, he smiled at me too because he was really happy that I had chosen him.

He looked into my eyes and said, “ I love you Casey.” I was so happy that he said it first and that I didn’t have to say it and not know what he was going to say. I looked deep into his eyes, caressed his cheek and I said to him,

“ I love you too Liam. “

1 Girl and 5 Guys : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now