(Tallmity) To be in a photograph

Start from the beginning

But to be honest, sometimes, Amity can't help but hoping Luz would stay with her in real life instead of her in the photos. Every time they are on a date, Luz will always eagerly take out her phone to take a photo of everything: Their outfits on that day, what they are eating, the park they are going to, their hands holding each other, their feet, the bench they are seating on, ... Then the human girl happily sends them to her friends and her mom to tell them she and Amity are on a date. Amity hesitantly smiles to hide her concern, it's nice that Luz can be so excited over their date but, some of those moments are just not that remarkable, why does she even take a photo of the witch washing hand in the restroom?!... Luz keeps giggling and checking at the photos they just took while holding Amity's hand, this makes the witch feel a little sad. She wishes Luz would look up and notice how much the witch had been adoring her through her gaze. She wishes Luz would look at her, right now. Despite being together, it doesn't seem like a moment of two. Amity feels like a part of hers is having a date in the photos with Luz and the other part is just, feeling so lonely out here.

That day, before ending the date and parting their ways, they decide to stay a little longer on a bridge where they can collect the whole sky into a romantic scene. It's when the sun is slowly going away and starts melting all over the land with its tone, a scene that can move even the toughest heart.

Luz as always, suggests to take a photo of her girlfriend because, she winks, the witch is her definition of beauty and romance just like the sunset. Amity forces a smile while trying to fit into the frame, ready to be locked in another memorable moment that is decided by a shutter sound. A special day that is once again defined by a photograph. Noticing her beloved's expression is changing in an unpleasant way, Luz worriedly puts her phone down.

"...Am I perhaps making you uncomfortable, cariño?"

"Hah? Ah! No! Um..." Amity quickly fixes her expression hearing the question, dammit, her face keeps betraying her. She stands hesitantly for a while wondering if she should tell Luz what she has been thinking, until the human girl walks closer to hold her hand up with a genuine look, as if telling her not to close the curtains which cover her heart. After all, one of the things that builds up the meaning of a stable relationship is to step out of your individualism to be open and honest with each other. 

Amity shyly confesses "Actually... Maybe a little...I'm just not really...comfortable with taking photos." She rubs her neck and looks down, trying to carefully phrase it so Luz won't misunderstand that she is mad. "...Too many...photos."

"Oh! Right! I'm sorry!" Luz glances at the phone she has been holding all day and bonks her head, hurriedly hiding it away behind her back. She looks down and lowers her voice in contrition "I-I'm sorry, Am...I used to see you posting on penstagram so I thought you were fine with photos and stuffs...And I..." Luz blushed a little "I was getting a bit carried away since you are my first girlfriend so...I was getting kinda greedy with the thought to keep as many moments of you as possible..." She slightly circles her foot on the ground, face full of regret.

"No! No don't be sorry! Argh, I didn't want to tell you because you would start feeling sorry like this, but it's not your fault! I'm just...It's just..." Amity gets a bit flustered with the fact that Luz was being greedy for her. That is more like, cute, she thinks. Not that she never has the idea of staring at Luz for hours and following her around to constantly take a photo of her twenty-four seven then hang them all around her room, she is just holding it back so her lover won't find her to be disturbing and run away forever. Just, just an idea.

"You are my first girlfriend too, Luz, I'm excited just the same so I can totally understand! I also love seeing how happy you are taking those photos and I honestly don't want to make you feel off... But I just want to let you know that, I really want to live in all those moments while..." She raises a hand to slide her delicate fingers on Luz's cheek and smiles "...looking at you, as in you, here."

Luz pouts with a red on her face "You know you can tell me anything, Am...The amount of photos didn't make me happy, I was just happy since taking them was like a reminder that I was being with you. But I guess...there is a better way for a reminder..." She returns Amity's loving smile with her smiley eyes while fondly gazing into the witch's golden, then she holds the witch's hand up to rub her cheek on it.

"Hmmm, but you know...It's my habit that I would take a lot of photos so I may not help it sometimes, especially when I have a pretty girlfriend like this...So..." She timidly looks up as if asking for permission "...Is it okay if I still take your photo sometimes? But I will show you! If you don't like it, tell me to delete it okay?... And don't worry I will keep them for myself only." Luz holds her phone to her chest, hoping she can still keep all those random taken photos of her lover. The girl deeply loves those moments, it feels like she is the only one who is allowed to witness such silly yet simple and genuinely adorable sides from the usual graceful Amity.

"That doesn't sound so bad to me for now." Amity gladly smiles with her thoughtful girlfriend, she pulls Luz a little closer to gently remind while giving her a hug "And I think we can still take a photo sometimes, just not like, all the time...okay?"

"You can even be in charge of holding the camera and bury it deep in the ground if you want, madam!" Luz nods and makes a playful comment, causing them both to giggle before Amity gives Luz a small kiss on her forehead.

"The sunset is beautiful today, this moment is quite special actually..." She caresses Luz's hand "Do you still want to take a photo? I don't mind."

Luz gets her phone out and looks at it for a while, losing in her own thoughts, then she looks up at Amity who is tenderly smiling at her and waiting for an answer.

"Nah, maybe not today."

Luz shakes her head with a big grin, then she leads her girlfriend to the bridge's side, facing the way a setting sun is lingering on the way to leave its lover. Sometimes, to dearly hold a moment is already a way of capturing it. Memories are the invisible photos which can be seen again when you close your eyes, finding your way back to them and relive the old feelings. To fully stay in a moment somehow hangs on the wall in your heart even more invaluable photos, the ones which can still be kept by cherishing and reminding each other about your love.

"Amity, amor!"


When the sun is spreading its love before saying goodbye, the human girl feels like she wants to save a bit of the last moment to spread more love for their day too. After the loving call, Luz stands on her toes to give Amity a kiss on her lips, making the witch smile so bright her eyes became like the horizon. Her cheeks flush up in a lovely pinky tone, letting her beauty melt together with the color of the gentle eve sky to become one lovely painting. With both the kiss from her beloved and from the sunset, treating her as if she is the most precious witch in this world, Amity face happily glows up under the touch of a softer sunlight, showing all her teeth in a way someone is so relax and pleasant that they don't care anymore about saving face.

Luz proudly smiles with a signal before blinking her eyes.

"Say cheers!"

A special moment is captured. 

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