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y/ns povs:

Me and Ray were cooking dinner in silence...usually, I would be talking up a storm with him but I was super lost in thought. I couldn't stop thinking about the phones...

how could they possibly get here? I remember we all had our phones on my floor by the outlet because we needed to charge them cus the next morning we had somewhere to be..what if this is all in my subconscious and perhaps I'm still dreaming? so when I started thinking about my family our phones appeared..this doesn't feel like a dream though and I sleep and have real dreams..and I really wouldn't want this to be a dream I mean fuck that cus I made so many good friendships and come to find out it was all fake would suck.

"Y/n!" Ray shouted snapping his finger in my face to get my attention. "You're gonna burn the food!" I snapped out of my train of thought and admittedly took the food off the stove.

"SHIT! Uh, I'm sorry," I replied as I was quickly putting the food on a big plate.

"It's fine." he sighed taking the plate from my  hands and putting it on the cart. "what's on your mind anyways?"


"Yeah, there is you were clearly lost in thought you almost burnt the goddam food!"

"fine, I was thinking about...ummm eren Yeager."

"your boyfriend?"

"oh, you remembered that?"


"I guess you could say he's my boyfriend."

"do you miss him?"

"duh, that's why I'm always so lost in thought I'm thinking about the day we reunite."


We both turned the other way and went back to preparing dinner without saying a word, At least he won't be asking about what's on my mind again.

~ big time skip~
(like a whole day)

"hey Kennedy, Scarlett," I said waving at them as I walked into their bedroom.

"Oh hey, I was just about to go look for you," Kennedy explained waving back while Scarlett just shot me a smile.

"Oh is everything okay?" I asked sitting at the end of Kennedy's bed. I gave them both a confused look when I saw Scarlett intensely looking at her phone.

"well I was messing with my phone earlier and I discovered something it's very weird." Kennedy explained I gave her a look to continue "Well it seems we all still have our data which is weird because we're in a different world, also we can connect to the internet but there are limited things we can do, like we can't post anything on social media, or call or text anyone on any platform."

"Really?? the phones still seem kinda useless." I sighed picking up my phone and seeing if what Kennedy said was true which it was.

"Actually there is one thing that can be helpful with them" Kennedy explained taking the phone from my hand. "We can get on the website to read the promised Neverland manga." she continued. My eyes winded in realization and a stupid grin appeared on my face.

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