Phil mostly wanted to know why this man was stealing his flowers. He hoped it wouldn't happen again. It it did he would definitely do something about it.


It happened again a few days later. Phil didn't catch him doing it this time, but who else would steal flowers from his yellow patch and leave the corpses for Phil to deal with?

The man next door, that's who. With his buttercup smile and cat that was quite sinister and flowery house that probably made people develop hay fever when they stepped inside.

Phil was trying to not hate him. But Phil put a lot of work into his garden and loved every inch of ground and someone was ruining his harmony. Phil wasn't okay with this.


"Mrooewr." Phil yawned and rolled over, feeling something heavy lying on his legs.

"Mphhh... Huh?" He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, sliding his glasses on and saw a cat on the end of his bed, purring loudly and almost smiling smugly at him. "What the hell?" Phil mumbled, before remembering he had left his window open last night.

"Meow." The cat greeted him and Phil chuckled.

"Hello," he said, holding his hand out towards the cat who moved forwards a little and sniffed it, narrowing its eyes before pushing its head against it. "You're from next door, aren't you?"

The cat purred its response.

"Can you tell me why your owner is stealing my flowers?" Phil asked and the cat sat back and let out another mewl before jumping onto the windowsill and leaving, crawling down the slanted roof and turning to look back at Phil as it jumped onto the fence.

Phil was pretty sure it winked at him.

"Why does it feel like this is going to become another regular thing?" He muttered.


The man next door had snook into his garden six times now. The cat had visited seven. Part of the reason the cat came was because Phil gave it little bits of fish and petted it when it wanted company, but it still didn't explain his stolen flowers. The cat wouldn't tell him.

He stretched and stared out the window, looking at his garden before realising he needed to go and pick up the pots he'd ordered and then looking over at Suki's house. The cat had been wearing a collar (surprisingly it was red) and Phil had found out its name, and because he didn't know what the man next door was called, the cat now owned his house.

He sighed as he saw his own flowers in the window, and looked away quickly when he saw the man taking off his shirt. Phil had forgotten their bedrooms weren't the least concealed to the other. One window let them see each other's gardens, the other, their bedrooms.

It was safe to say Phil quickly left his own room and went down to the garden where he dug furiously over the space he had around his cherry tree, deciding to add some flowers around there. He had also been considering a pond, but he didn't really have enough space for it. Suki would probably eat the fish anyway.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

Phil's body flicked up and he stared around, looking for the voice that was singing. Phil couldn't see anyone around, and the fence in the garden came up to Phil's nose, so he couldn't see over it unless he was right next to it. But the voice was very calming.

"You make me happy, when skies are grey."

Then there were hands on the top of the fence and a face peering over, sudden shock registered on it as it saw Phil looking up at him.

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