Chapter 11

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Cheryl and Toni were in the RV's kitchen, eating. Well, Toni was eating. Cheryl was drinking, really. The RV might not have the ability to travel through time, but it could drive itself, so long as it knew the destination. An enchantment had also been cast on the driver's seat to create a hologram of sorts that gave the impression someone was actively driving. "Uh, Cheryl?" Toni asked slowly, looking up from her burger.

"Yeah?" Cheryl asked, gulping down the last of the cow blood and shuddering in disgust.

"I've got a question about you...and Reggie and Heather." Toni said slowly, blushing. Cheryl raised an eyebrow.

"What, you want to hear that story?" She asked, smirking and sitting down at the table across from Toni.

"No!" Toni said quickly, blushing even more fiercely. "I was just wondering...what happened? Why were you in that situation?" Cheryl scowled.

"Heather discovered poker." She said simply. When she said nothing else, Toni frowned.

"A little more explanation please." Toni asked.

"Reggie and I I suppose." Cheryl said with a sigh. "Of course, this was the early 1900's, we didn't call it dating then. And it's a little hard to date the Autumn Knight."

"The Autumn Knight?" Toni asked, frowning.

"Reggie is now the second in command of Samhain, the king of the Autumn Court." Cheryl told her. "Samhain is the one who saved her from the execution, the one who made her immortal. In exchange, she acts as his emissary to the mortal plane and the other Fey Courts, and leads his armies in war."

"When did you meet her?" Toni asked curiously.

"I actually met her when she was still a regular human." Cheryl told her. "I was in France at the time, since wars are a great way to hide the fact that vampires are feeding. But we didn't start our relationship until the Protection War of the 1910's, when we met for the second time."

"The Protection War?" Toni asked.

"Germany pissed off a lot of Eastern European dragons over the course of the war." Cheryl told her. "It was all accidental of course, but dragons don't care about that. They just gathered their minions together and decided to raze Germany. That would have let everyone know that the magical things of the world still walked among them though, so we went to war with the dragons to stop them. That's when I met Reggie again."

"What happened?" Toni asked eagerly. Cheryl sighed and looked away.

"He swept me off my feet." She admitted. "I went from one of the most dangerous and respected soldiers in the army to being Reggie's humble and submissive lover." Toni stared at Cheryl, stunned.

"E...Excuse me?" She asked. "You were someone's humble and submissive lover? You?" Cheryl sighed again.

"You don't get it. Reggie is...special. He is different. Actually, she's a lot like you, which is part of the reason why I acted like such a gank. I didn't want to be the sub again." Toni raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, but where does Heather come in? Was Reggie dating her at the same time or something?" Cheryl shook her head quickly.

"Reggie never cheated on me." She said, sounding defensive. "No, the three of us were playing poker in Reggie's tent. I'd managed to win most of the money, so Heather decided to put sex on the line. She called it double or nothing, and said that if she won the next hand, we'd have a threesome. If she lost, Reggie would get her sword, which apparently had some kind of enchantment on it, and Reggie was a collector. So, Reggie agreed, and I went along with it, since I'd do anything Reggie wanted back then. Heather won that hand."

"And the riding crop came in where?" Toni asked, frowning. Cheryl blushed slightly.

"Being in the Autumn Court for so long had made Reggie...curious. He wanted to try something new, and Heather wouldn't let him try it on her. I agreed to let Reggie use hes riding crop on me and...yeah."

"Reggie of Arc is into BDSM?" Toni asked incredulously. Cheryl shook her head.

"No, he decided that it didn't really make him feel...anything. It kind of bored him frankly. Of course, me being a vampire probably didn't help her, since I barely felt anything."

"I see." Toni said, nodding.

"Topaz, what are you thinking?" Cheryl asked warily.

"I'm just wondering if coating the crop in garlic or holy water would have changed anything." Toni said, shrugging.

"Well, actually, vampires just don't like garlic because it smells awful." Cheryl told her. "Or senses are six times stronger than those of a human, so the smell of garlic is like a physical barrier due to how strong it is. And holy water would literally burn me." She stopped and blinked as she realized just what they'd been talking about. "Toni!" Cheryl yelled, sounding shocked.

"What?" Toni asked innocently.

"You were thinking about how you could dominate me, weren't you?"

"Actually, I was just trying to figure out how to stop you if ever tried to eat a person in front of me or did anything else that was bad, but now that you mention it..." Toni said thoughtfully.

"No!" Cheryl yelled. "I did the sub thing once; I'm not doing it again!" Toni laughed and put a hand on top of Cheryl's.

"Relax Cheryl, I was only joking." She told the redhead. Cheryl glared at her, and then hauled her to her feet. "Cheryl, what are you doing?" Toni asked warily.

"The riding crop should be in my bedroom right now." Cheryl told her. "I'm going to show you why I don't want to be the sub again. Who knows, you might like it though." Toni's eyes widened, and she dragged her feet on the ground.

"No, no, no, no!" She protested. "No!" Cheryl smirked.

"Are you sure? Like I said, you might end up liking it."

"Yes I'm sure!" Toni yelped, hitting Cheryl's arm. Cheryl shrugged and let go.

"Fine, if you say so. I'll just get back at you some other way."

"Back at me for what?" Toni demanded.

"Wanting to using the riding crop on me in a way that I would actually feel it." Cheryl told her, walking away.

"I was joking!" Toni protested, running after her.

"Prove it." Cheryl said over her shoulder, smirking.

"Can't you read my mind?" Toni asked. Cheryl glared at her.

"I'm not Edward fucking Cullen!" She snapped. "And even if I was, I wouldn't be able to because you are clearly Bella."

"You don't mean that." Toni said with a smile, hugging Cheryl from behind and nuzzling the back of her neck. "You know you love me."

"...Fine." Cheryl sighed, turning around in Toni's arms and kissing her. "You're not Bella." Toni smiled. "I'm still getting back at you though." Toni stopped smiling.

"Is that really necessary?" She asked. Cheryl grinned and kissed her again.


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