Chapter 10

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"You're leaving?" Rose asked, folding her arms. Cheryl looked up from packing her suitcase.

"Yep." She said simply, going back to packing.

"I never thought you'd be the one to run away like a scared little puppy." Rose said, raising an eyebrow. Cheryl glared at her.

"You and I both know that Toni would die if we stayed here. What would have me do?" She demanded.

"Send her away! Betty or Reggie could take her into the NeverNever, and you could stay to help fight in the war."

"Yeah, send Toni, the innocent, naïve new werewolf, into the land of the Fey, that sounds like a great plan." Cheryl said sarcastically. "Besides, what war? The only people staying in Riverdale are the Witches, the Wizards, and their allies and debtors. Everyone else that knows what's coming is getting out of Dodge."

"If we run now then we're just giving up!" Rose snapped.

"No, if we run now, then we live to fight another day in one of our cities." Cheryl said patiently. "Riverdale has never been one of our strongholds. Everyone else is heading for San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, Nashville, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, or New York. You know, the cities that are full of magic and are practically run by magical beings?"

"...You're not changing your mind about this, are you?" Rose said after a moment. Cheryl shook her head, exasperated.

"Rose, I need to protect Toni. Magic increases with time, and magic is strength in a war like this. And right now, Toni is as helpless as a puppy." Rose sighed and nodded.

"You picked the worst possible time to fall in love, you know that right?" She said with a slight smile, holding out her hand to shake. Cheryl took it, then pulled Rose into a tight hug.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" She said, sounding close to tears. Rose swallowed back her own tears and nodded.

"I survived the Civil War, I'll survive this war." She said, pulling back and giving Cheryl a small smile. "I cast that spell you requested, so you can leave whenever you finish packing." Cheryl nodded.

"Thanks." She said pulling Rose back into a quick hug. Rose hugged her back, then smiled and left. Cheryl swallowed again, then turned back to her suitcase and resumed packing.

Five hours later

Toni showed up at Cheryl's doorstep, carrying two large suitcases. "Is that everything?" Cheryl asked, opening the door and letting her in. Toni looked down, blushing.

"No, but these are essentials. I wasn't sure how big of a car we were taking, so I left the rest of the stuff in Fang's car." She said.

"Car? Who said anything about taking a car?" Cheryl asked, raising an eyebrow. "We need to stay under the radar Topaz. We're walking." Toni's eyes widened in horror, and Cheryl started laughing, unable to keep a straight face. "I'm just joking Topaz, walking would be way too slow. No, I just wanted to see your face." Toni pouted and hit Cheryl on the head.

"That's not funny." She complained. Cheryl just laughed and messed up Toni's hair.

"Yes it was. Now come with me, I want your input on our destination." She said, turning around and heading for the kitchen. Toni followed her, and Cheryl pointed at a map of the United States. "Alright, now, we only have a few practical options. You see, Riverdale isn't a magical stronghold, not really. There are a lot of magical beings here, but not as much as you'd think. Most of us need darkness after all, so Southern California isn't a real great option. I circled the cities that are strongholds with red ink on the map." Toni bent down to consider the map, then looked up at Cheryl, frowning.

"Why do Las vegas and San Francisco have X's through them?" She asked.

"They're both too close to Riverdale to be a good choice, but they are strongholds, so we'll go there if you really want to." Cheryl told her.

"These are all big cities." Toni said, frowning. "Don't we have to worry about people noticing when I turn into a wolf?" Cheryl grinned.

"Topaz, I've been alive since the 1300's, remember? I'm one of the richest people in the planet."

"So?" Toni asked, confused. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think that I don't have a house in every single one of these cities?" She asked.

"Ohh..." Toni said slowly, nodding. She looked down at the map, then pointed at Chicago. "Let's go there." She said.

"Good choice." Cheryl said, nodding. "Alright, go get the rest of your stuff out of the car, then meet me in the garage. I've got some cleaning up to do." Toni nodded, and turned around. Cheryl pulled out a pair of scissors and began turning the map into confetti. She tossed them out the window, then headed for the garage. Toni was already there, staring at Cheryl's black RV.

"Magical garage?" She asked Cheryl, who nodded.

"And a magical RV." Cheryl told her, picking up two suitcases in one hand and snapping her fingers. The doors opened and a small set of steps lowered from below them to allow easier entrance into the RV.

"Fancy." Toni said with a smile. "But couldn't technology do that too?" Cheryl grinned.

"You ain't seen nothing yet." She said. "Welcome to my goth TARDIS." Toni frowned, grabbed two suitcases, and walked inside. Her jaw dropped, and she almost let the suitcases fall to the ground in shock as she looked around. The interior of the RV was huge, with multiple hallways going off in every direction and a set of stairs leading up to a second level.

"Can it travel through time?" Toni asked Cheryl as the redhead came up behind her, the rest of Toni's luggage in hand. Cheryl chuckled.

"No. Trust me, time travel is something you do not want to mess with. That is one of the basic unwritten laws of the magical community-leave time alone. Now then, ready to go?"

"We've got to take Fang's car back home." Toni reminded her.

"No we don't." Cheryl said, heading for the driver's seat. "Unless you took off the license plates, they'll eventually find it." Toni frowned and followed her.

"I'm about to leave my family for who knows how long, without any explanation whatsoever, for an indeterminate amount of time." She said. "I just wiped their minds, I am not adding stealing and then leaving it lying in the street for them to eventually, maybe, find to that list." Cheryl sighed.

"Fine. Go get in Fang's car and drive it back to your house, I'll follow behind you." Cheryl said, sitting down in the driver's seat. Toni smiled, kissed her on the top of the head, and ran back out.

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