Chapter 1

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Cheryl walked past Toni's locker, than frowned and turned back. She looked around making sure that no one was around, then walked over to Toni's locker and sniffed. Cheryl's frown deepened and she leaned in to take another sniff. She took a step back, confused. There was no mistaking that smell-it was that of an unchanged Alpha. But Toni's family wasn't part of any pack, and Toni clearly hadn't been bitten by an Alpha. Though, now that Cheryl thought about it, Toni had said something about being attacked by a group of stray dogs last month. Cheryl hadn't really paid attention to it, but now she realized that she probably should have.

Cheryl pulled out her phone and checked the lunar cycle. She didn't usually worry about the moon, since all nights were pretty much the same to her. But she needed to check today. She let out a sigh. Tonight was the first night of the full moon. That left her with two options. Cheryl could let Toni transform by herself, or she could help Toni out. It didn't take her long to make the choice. She might not be fond of Toni, but Cheryl wasn't an asshole. She wasn't going to just let Toni transform in the Topaz house and slaughter everyone who came near. Despite what most Hunters claimed, Cheryl's status as a vampire didn't make her evil.

Fifteen minutes later

"Cheryl? What are you doing here?" Toni asked in confusion, opening the door to her house.

"Tell your parents you're going to be staying the night at my house." Cheryl said. Toni frowned.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I need you." Cheryl said simply. Toni nodded.

"Ok, come inside." She told her, beckoning her in. "It'll just take a minute." Cheryl nodded and stepped inside, rocking back and forth on her heels impatiently. Time was of the essence here, largely because Cheryl hadn't been attentive enough to notice the scent until she was leaving from a practice for one of Whether bee's plays at six o'clock. She needed to get Toni out of the Topaz house and into her basement as soon as possible. "Alright, my mom says it's okay so long as I come home before midnight tomorrow.

"We'll see." Cheryl said, grabbing Toni by the wrist and dragging her out of the house. Toni frowned. Cheryl had come to her for help before, but this was different. She didn't seem sad, angry, or even worried. She actually seemed...scared.

"What's wrong Cheryl?" Toni asked as they got into Cheryl's car.

"Not now Topaz." Cheryl growled, starting the car and speeding down the street. When they arrived at Cheryl's house, Cheryl pulled into the garage, turned off the car, then turned around and opened a duffel bag in the back seat.

"What's that smell?" Toni asked, frowning and trying to see what Cheryl was doing. Cheryl pulled out a Ziploc bag, then opened it and pulled out the white rag inside it.

"Chloroform." Cheryl told her, pressing the rag into her face. Toni struggled for a few seconds, but then quickly passed out. Cheryl chuckled, then closed the garage door and got out, slinging Toni's unconscious body over her shoulder and entering the house.

Twenty minutes later

Toni woke up and looked around in confusion, still somewhat groggy. "Good, you're awake." Cheryl said, hopping off of the table she'd been sitting on. "That it'll make it easier, you people handle the first time much better when you know what's going on."

"What did you do to me?" Toni demanded, standing up.

"I chloroformed you." Cheryl said with a shrug, completely unapologetic.

"You what?" Toni yelled, trying to move forward only to be stopped. She turned around and looked down, and was horrified to see that Cheryl had locked several long chains to her wrists and ankles, which were in turn bolted to the wall, preventing Toni from moving very far. "Why are you doing this?" She demanded. Cheryl walked over and ignored the question, instead pulling down both sleeves of her sweater.

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