Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Stephanie calm down! It's just a phone!"

"It's not just a damn phone Emily! You're on Harry's bad side!"


"Harry's literally insane! He's crazy! He burned a fucking house down! A girl who dated him turned up missing! Does that not scare you at all?!"

"But Niall likes me so I'm sure Harry won't do anything crazy."

"You don't know if Niall still likes you! He may have moved on!"

"Stephanie! Don't say that!"

"Emily! I'm just being real!"

"I'm walking away!"

"Okay, but sleep with one eye open!"

Frustrated, Stephanie and I pace away from each other.

This is all too stressful for me. Harry is a bit odd, but he wouldn't do anything crazy. Stephanie is just overreacting.

I'm walking to my next class. It's the class I have with Louis. I silently pray to myself for no more drama, but I doubt my prayers will be answered.


Louis is sitting next to me in class. He hasn't said a word to me.

I keep glancing at him, I'm not sure why, but I'm waiting for him to say something to me. I feel bad about the whole 'rape' thing, but then again, I really don't because it was very misleading. No means no. I doesn't matter if he's 'known for his hugs.'

I never realized how attractive he is. His hair is the perfect shade of brown. It looks so soft. And his body is so freaking hot. He's so muscular, his arms are so wide, his chest so thick, and his butt is so large.

Louis turns his head to look at me.

"You might want to keep your voice down," Louis whispers.

Shit! I said that out loud!

"I...I..." I stammer.

Louis turns away and starts laughing to himself.

"Something funny Tomlinson?" the teacher says.

"Nothing," Louis rolls his eyes.


I'm walking down the hallway after class. I have an hour break until math. Yesterday, during that break I...never mind.

Someone taps my shoulders and I turn around.

Louis is staring at me while he stands inches in front of me.

"I would like to apologize." he says.

"Thanks," I respond.

"I really am sorry."

"It's okay."


"I guess," I say.

There is a long moment of silence.

"What are you going to do for the next hour?"

"I'm going to the cafeteria to eat lunch."

"I know this great sushi place downtown," he says.

"I'll just stay on campus today, but thank you."

"Come on, please, lunch on me," he says with a smile, "I want to make it up to you."

Louis is being very persuasive, but I can't because I remember Stephanie has a crush on him. That's girl code, right?

"Can Stephanie come along?"

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