Chapter 3: Sparkles and Slides

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Chapter 3: Sparkles and Slides


(Picture: Talia's dress, Rhea and dress, Vanessa and dress, Lia and Dress)

Britalia's POV:

*Dong* *Dong* *Dong* The castle bell tolled midnight. Come on, midnight already? One more chapter, I'm almost at the end... well like twelve chapters from the end... Maybe... I'll keep on reading.

"Oh no!" a voice exclaimed behind me.

"Ahhh!" I shrieked and almost fell off the balcony, "Oh my gosh! I forgot anyone was there!"

"The Presentation starts now, they're probably looking all over for me!"

"Why would they loo- oh yeah, prince, forgot about that for a minute. I probably have to go now too. Yay... being presented like a cake! Now I want pie... and a turtle."

"What?" the prince *I forgot his name* said.

"Got to go! See you when I'm a cake!" I said jumping down from the ledge and hiding my book in the secret pocket I sewed into my dress, running down the stairs. Oh fun, I just made myself look like a weirdo in front of the prince... Oh well.

"Wait!" he shouted. I almost turned around but Lianna pulled me down the stairs even faster and dragged me towards the back entrance to the big grand steps that ladies were walking down after being announced. "Miss Teresa Carmelle. Daughter of Sir Carmelle, Knight of the Kingdom."

Jonathan's POV:

"Wait!" I shouted after her trailing dress, but she was already gone. "I don't even know who you are," I mumbled.

Okay, I guess I'll just have to watch the entire presentation to find her, wait, what if I miss her. There are so many girls, what if I fall asleep before her turn!Well, I'll just have to try again.

"Your Highness! We've been looking all over! Where have you been? The presentation started 15 minutes ago, you must hurry sir!"

Duty calls.

Britalia's POV:

"Talzy I've been looking all over for you! They're starting already, they've finished with last name B already!"

"Yeah yeah... Monchesti is way after that. Why are you worried, Reynolds is even farther back!"

"I want to see the competition!"

"Competition? So you're actually competing?"

"Well, yeah! Wouldn't it be cool to be like peasant queen? Even though I have like 0 chance."

If you're wondering, Lianna isn't exactly a peasant, but she's not a Lady either. She's sort of just a Miss Lianna Reynolds. FYI all girls here are allowed to be the queen, as long as they are selected by the prince and pass really basic queen courses that any smart-ish person could pass, but given how most of the ladies are not exactly "smart-ish" it may be difficult for them if they got selected. "Lady Vanessa Crest of Gerbilion. Daughter of Duke Crest, Duke of Gerbilion."

"Well, come on we need to be at the top of the steps! They're lining us up in order by last name!"

"Okay... woah! DON'T KILL ME!!! HELP!" I screamed as she pulled me along so fast that I almost tripped over and died.

The hall behind the staircase was just a long line of girls and their entire staff primping them up and putting their hair back into luscious curls and being styled up into the fancy hairstyles that... Uh oh... I undid my hair into random waves...

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