Chapter 2: Boots and Messes

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Chapter 2: Boots and Messes


**1 month later**


"Shit!" I bolted upright in bed and smacked my face into a pillow and fell back down.

"Talia dear! It's the day of the PRESENTATION!" My mother exclaimed leaning over me.

"Huh? What's that?" I mumbled rubbing my tired eyes and yawning.

"BRITALIA! How could you have forgotten the Presentation of the ladies!"

"Oh that thing. Goodnight." I rolled back over to sleep.

"GET UP! It's already 7 o'clock in the morning and the presentation is today!"

"AT NIGHT! SHUSH! That's at least 12 hours away."

"That's barely enough time to get ready properly."

"I'll get up when I get up!" I shouted as I pulled my second pillow over my face and faced the wall.

"You better get up soon," my mom warned and walked out the door. Ahhh... finally, could she just not. I drifted off back to sleep.

**11 o'clock**

I groggily woke up and rubbed my eyes open. I heard the front door open and my mother say something about not awake yet. Probably talking about me, I wonder who's at the door.

I walked down the stairs and peeked around the corner to see a young man who happened to be the prince of this country. OH MY GOSH! He's soooo hot and gorgeous and....

I'm kidding, why the heck would the prince be at my doorstep and my mother not be screaming her head off. I don't even know what he looks like completely, just the pictures all over the newspapers that I don't really read, and I don't even have good facial recognition. It was Lianna at my door, who else.

The ball started at 8 o'clock at night and I left myself 9 hours to get ready. It was alright because I pride myself in speed getting ready, I could get ready for an average ball in 3 hours, a royal ball 5 hours. It's fine that I have four extra hours because I need some time to relax and color on my black boots. I already have worn them, but I haven't drawn on them with the night sky fabric paints yet.

It's probably a good idea to hide in my room for an hour or so to draw the designs and have my mom entertain Lia because honestly, I cannot deal with both of them nagging me to get ready at the same time, or questioning what I'm doing.

I drew a bunch of purple swirls, accented with silver on the shoes, I had always loved drawing things. I kept most of my sketches in my booklet under the bed because it's more like a diary rather than a sketchbook. It has all of my secrets in pictures, my past crushes (don't act like you've never had one, everybody has had one), basically my life in a nutshell.

I finally decided its a good time to announce my presence to the world, so I went down to begin the early stages of torture. Talking my ear off with commands.

"Hi," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Bri-" my mom started.

"Talz-" Lia said.

"Make-up and dres-"

"hair and sho-"

"Maids and serv-"

"Light food eat-"

"SHUT UP! I'mma do whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want." I shouted over them. I swear they are blinking like those animated cartoon characters, in sync, "thank you." I bowed and exited the room. Step one, survived.

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