Soulmates [Camilo x gn! reader] prt.3

Start from the beginning

The shape-shifter could tell that you're skeptical about his words, but attempting to understand his thoughts. "Um, sure...?"

Chuckling at your response, he explained, "What I meant as being your rock is, I'll be the person that you can always rely on to help and support you." He paused, taking in the beauty contains in your eyes, [eye. color] is a pretty color. "I want to be that person to you, [name]. If you don't mind, of course."

Heat crept up to your cheeks as he voice out his explanation, you avoid eye contact, too flustered to look him in the eye. His big eyes stared at you, waiting patiently for your answer— giving in, you mutter your reply, "I don't mind."


Your mind replays the scene over and over again expecting different results if your reply is not what you had said. You attempt to think about what he even sees in you. There's nothing special about you that a Madrigal like him would follow you around like a lost puppy.

Will you accept him? In the future? And live happily ever after, like the others you've seen in town.

But what if he'll do what your Mother did? Running away from your Soulmate since you don't want to be betrothed, and be free to pick whoever you want to be with.

You clench the piece of earth in your hands, you feel your heartbreak into millions at the thought of making the same mistake as your father. He always warned you, but still told you to follow what your heart leads you.

A tiny knock causes you to be brought back to reality, the door handle twists a bunch of times signaling that the person behind it is struggling to open the unlocked door. A moment of silence spread into the air before another knock is heard.

"[Name]...?" A squeaky voice called out, his tone trembled a bit and you can already tell he was nervous. "Um, someone is uh, looking for you..."

It was the kid, your half-brother that's very adorable to resist. One thing you learned for the past few days is: He's scared of you, you don't know what's the exact reason for it but he's terrified of you.

What was his name again? Oh right, Fabio.

Fabio [last name]. Your mother used your family's last name ever since they moved in; it's like they're trying to stay here for another year before leaving without a trace.

You do admit, it's hard to like kids especially when they're a menace. Though this kid did nothing but obey, and be a sweetheart, he's unlucky to be with a mother like that witch.

Opening the door, you glance at his tiny form. He froze when he met your eyes, the little boy started to tremble to make you concerned about what sin did you commit for him to see you as a predator. "Hello." you greeted, crouching down to his level, looking him straight in the eyes, thinking it will help him warm up. Though that did not help the boy at all, it just made you look more intimidating.

"Hi, I'm sorry for bothering you..." clinging tighter to his stuffed toy, he had trouble looking at you considering that your full attention is on him, making him anxious. "you probably don't want— to see me, since you hate me..."

you crook your brow at his last sentence, how could a little kid think such thoughts? it's already clear that he didn't grow up as any kid should have. "where did you even get that? I don't hate you." you questioned, worried but also angry, already knowing who's behind it.

Just like what you've expected, he said, "mí mamá, told me you hate me... because I have another father." The [hair. color]-haired boy glance at his feet, rubbing them across the floor.

you clench your fist in range, not only she's messing with your father's head, but she's also messing with the kid. He may not be your brother in full blood, but that doesn't mean he has to go through those manipulations. "That Witch-"

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