Trust the process [camilo x f!reader]

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There she is again, walking around, making deliveries.

The boy can't help but sigh so lovingly, the way her hair bounces when she walks, her dress moving along with her. It's obvious that he's head-over-heels on this girl

"Don't just stare, make a move." Dolores nudges her brother, nodding her head to the direction of the [eye. color]-eyed girl.

"Are you crazy? No!"

"Why not?"

"'Cause I've tried before, and I looked like an idiot."

"Like that ever stopped you before."

"This one is different, okay? I don't want her to think of me as a joke..."

Camilo played with a few strands of his curls in front of his face, with a hint of saddened look. By that action, she knows that her brother is serious about this one.

She must be a special one

"You know... I've read so many romantic novels, I might know a few tricks for you to use."


"Hey, just ask the poor boy." Her friend looked back at the boy, seeing him talk to his sister.

"You know, I can't do that."

"He's trying his best to ask you, why won't you just go for him, he likes you, you like him. Just go out already." Her friend is practically shaking [name].

"If I do that, it will be easy for him, I want him to have courage." Delivering bread to an old lady, saying 'your welcome' once she thanked her.

"you know, face his fears and know that it will be worth it at the end. But If he did ask me directly right now, I might say no-" the girl continued but got cut off.

"What? Why? I thought you like him-"

"I do, I really do. But I still don't know him very well, just being friends at first. You can't date someone you don't know."


Week one.

"Just greet her," Dolores as well as Mirabel push the boy in front of them while hiding at the side of a house.

The whole Familia Madrigal - well, all of the kids in the Madrigal are willing to help Camilo.

He technically begs not to tell their parents about their plan, he knows that they will do something weird about the situation.

"You need to become friends with her first, get to know each other." Knowing well that - this was the girl wanted first.

"I was expecting flowers or a pickup line-"

"You can't even say 'hello' and you're expecting us to make you say a pickup line?"

He groaned, making his way to the girl, who's currently sitting on a bench, reading a book. As Camilo walked, he took in her appearance, being mesmerized by her again.

From the new hair clip, he saw before to her small tapping on the floor.

Yea, I can't do this.

Turning around, he speed-walked past his sister and cousin, with a red face. "I actually like not being noticed-"

Grabbing him by the back of his collar, Mirabel turned (dragged) his body facing the girl once more.

"You can do you this. Repeat after me, 'I am Camilo Madrigal!' "

"I am Camilo Madrigal!"

" 'and I will befriend this girl!' "

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