Papà [Bruno x f!reader] part 2

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Note: she/her for the reader, he/him for Bruno. Bruno and reader also had three kids: Mateo, firstborn, who has levitation gift, the same age as Isabella and Dolores (21); Alondra, middle child, who has a gift of what she paints can become real, the same age as Luisa (19); and Diego, youngest, has a time-traveling gift, the same age as Mirabel, and Camilo (15). sequel to the "please don't be inlove with someone else" fic.


Dinner was a disaster, their powers are malfunctioning, some of them are stronger while the others became weaker.

One of the people who became weak is Mateo. Trying his best to help Luisa out, but failed.

"Um, Mateo could you help Luisa for a moment, please?" His Abuela requested, wanting to at least ease up the moment.

The boy in green did his old thing, only using a hand to lift the piano. But it didn't move the slightest bit, he tried using it again but with more force. Then again, he failed. He groans to himself, he needs to be useful.

The dark-haired stood from his spot using both hands this time, gritting his teeth using the full force of his power. He feel himself becoming weak every second, as he still tried to lift the piano until his mother stopped him.

Bruno watched as things go down, he knows this will eventually happen, he can't even stop Manuel's death, how can he stop something big as this?

His heartburn when he saw his first-born son, get slowly frustrated at himself for not helping his cousin.

Everyone stormed out, once his Mamà saw the vision he's been hiding for 10 years. The future-teller asked his companion rats to give him the vision, before following them near the entrance of the painting.

" 'Teo, that's enough. You did your best." He heard his wife say.

"No Mamà, I'm one of the most useful gifts here, I can't be weak. I need to be useful." Bruno peaked in the hole once again, seeing Mateo had frustrated tears on his face, attempting to use his gift to lift anything. Anything.

"Corazon! Stop this, you need to take a breather. Calm down—"

"How can I calm down when everything is falling apart?! You won't understand, Mamà. You don't even have a gift, 'cause you're an outsider!"

" 'Teo!" His siblings yelled at the same time, he crossed the line.

Aye, kid. Bruno glace at his wife, seeing she had an unreadable expression. He wishes he can be there, comfort his wife and son. The future-teller knew the boy didn't mean it. He's a mama's boy, just like his primo: Camilo. Rushing his way to the entrance of the hall, he still needs to get the shards with him. Cutting the bridge isn't enough for Mirabel to not cross it, he should have seen this coming.

Mateo's olive-green eyes widen in regret. "Mamà, lo siento, I didn't mean any of it. Please, I'm really sorry, Mamà.." He looked down, ashamed. Already accepting that he will get the discipline spank, he only heard her sigh.

The boy looked up, seeing his mother had a hand over her eyes. He can't help but feel more guilty. His mother, the only parent that they have, who supports them with anything they do unless it's illegal, the one raise them all on her own since no one was there to help her. She did all that for them, and he repay her by yelling.

"Mà, por favor. I really didn't mean any of it, I'm really sorry. I love you, Mà.."

"Let's... just go to our rooms, okay? Y'all soak, change clothes so you won't get sick, alright?" That was all she said. [Name] lightly pat her oldest on his cheek, before guiding the other two upstairs stopping at the top.

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