Chapter XI: Stay awhile

Start from the beginning

Now he looks towards me, helping me stand up from my barstool. He wraps my arms around his waist, and then fishes into his back pocket for something, pulling out his wallet to get some cash. He lays it down on the bar and I instantly grab it. "No," I say, pushing it back into his pocket and proceeding to grab my wallet from my pocket.

"Y/n, just leave it. I'll pay, it's not a problem." I shake my head, trying to get a sufficient amount of money, but instead spilling all of the coins in my wallet all over the ground.

I lean to pick each individual coin up, but Jungkook grabs me by the arms, stopping me. He pushes me a few steps back so he can lay the cash on the bar, and then takes me by the hands to walk me out. "Jungkook," I say, mumbling all of my sentences. That's the most audible they'll get. He hums, getting me to the car, and opening the passenger door. "You shouldn't have payed..."

He smiles, leaning over to buckle me into the seat, but not saying anything else. He shuts the door and goes around to get into the drivers seat. But only then does he speak. "Do you want to stay at my place?" I instantly shake my head, telling him no, and making up an excuse so I won't bother him anymore than I already have. "I have to go home. I snuck out and my parents will freak out if I'm not there in the morning... I'll just climb up the window."

Jungkook sighs, driving to my house. "There's no way in hell you're going to climb up to your window. I'll walk you inside myself." Even though I drunkly protest, he doesn't give a damn, and says he'll do it anyway. He's going through all this trouble for me and I feel so guilty.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter, trying to soothe my pounding head. Nothing feels good now.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks. 

"You're doing all of this when you shouldn't have to. I was being stupid and got drunk this late at night. I'm sorry if I bothered you..." I vent, feeling tears prick my eyes. I haven't gotten emotional in front of him since before we agreed to have sex. Now, I feel vulnerable, and I'm so intoxicated. Nothing is normal for me right now.

"Don't say that. You could never bother me. Why were you there, though? Did something happen?" He asks, concern lacing his voice.

I shake my head, lying to him. "I just needed to have a drink. But it wasn't just one. I got distracted..." It's very unbelievable, but he doesn't push anymore, probably realizing I'm incapable of giving a proper response at the given time. So the rest of the drive is silent, neither of us saying anything, just listening to the soft radio play in the background.

When we get to my house, Jungkook helps me out, attaching me to his waist again and walking me to my door. "Key, babe," he says, looking down at me. I look up at him with a blank look, trying to process what he said. Then I realize it and go to quickly grab it from my pocket. I hand it to him, leaning my head on his shoulder, eyes closing as he unlocks the front door.

We're just lucky enough my parents never invested in a security system. They're never home enough to care. Thank God for that. But the 'security system' I didn't remember, is the giant dog that growls as soon as we open the front door and step inside. "Shit, I forgot about Haru..." I mumble. "Put me down, or he'll get mad." Jungkook does what I say and lets go of me, but as soon as he does, I stumble to the side, nearly falling flat on my face if it hadn't been for the wall next to me. He grabs on to my arm though, trying to help me back up.

I hear Haru's footsteps down the hallway, so I try to stand upright so he will listen to me. He growls, and I whisper his name to let him know it's me. "Ruru," I say gently, and as soon as he peaks his head round the corner, he trots over to me, jumping on me. Jungkook stands behind me to help me stay standing. "Stay down here, please," I say one last thing to the dog before trying to make my way to the stairs.

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