Bust Your Kneecaps

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"I'm breaking up with you," he said.

We were in my room, finally noticing we were both sitting on my bed awkwardly for who knows how long, As if it was like this is a memory. Yet I don't remember any of this. I was happy, this pain would finally go away. Yet the words that came out of my mouth didn't match what I was thinking.
"Don't leave me. You said you would love me forever. Don't you remember? If you break up with me the family won't like this. They'll blame me."

He looked away. He started to laugh. "Right! They'll bust your kneecaps!" he started to laugh louder. "You think I believe your parents are bad. Well, I think your overreacting." he started to get up to leave. I wanted him gone. I'm glad he's leaving yet my mouth wouldn't stop making noise.

"You told me you weren't a fool, no chump! Yet look at you now. You have cold feet."

"Ha! All I'll be is a speed bump, right? Please, I've heard it so many times."

"My parents won't like this... Please.."

"You'll be fine."

"You'll Be Back. Soon you'll see. You'll remember you belong to me. You'll be back. Time will tell. You'll remember that I served you well. Oceans rise. Empires fall."

Where did that come from? The room started to spin once more. Where am I? Am I stuck in this loop? Where is Ashe? When I went to grab my phone it wasn't where I left it. Nor could I remember in the first place. Everything then turned dark. I could hear a yell from outside the door. I couldn't recognize it at first but I had a feeling it was matt. It sounded faint but I could hear my name. It was being called and called as it would never shut up. It sounded annoying. I just wanted it to end. But it wouldn't or couldn't, I couldn't decide what it was from those choices.

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