"Don't call me that," she told him firmly, though it didn't hold her usual bite.

"I was just interested in how you got it," he mumbled timidly, "Twi calls me Wild- well because I always liked visiting the Wilds," he offered, hoping she'd see it as a sort of peace offering.

Zelda regarded him curiously for a moment, emerald eyes staring through him like she was waiting for some sort of snarky remark. When none came she nodded slowly, following the movement of Roh's swing with her eyes, "I liked flowers," she said simply with a shrug, "still do, I suppose."

Link breathed in relief at her answer. Sure, they still probably wouldn't get along, but at least he knew it was still possible for them to have civil conversations. Even if it was for one day, he was willing to try and start anew- that was, as long as she was on board too.

"Flowers, huh?" Link paused for a moment, deciding it would probably be best if he thought through his words first, "never would have guessed that," he finished lamely.

Zelda smiled wryly, "Most people don't. Botany and Biology were actually my first degrees."

Link's hand slipped and missed Zara's swing. He stumbled but regained his footing, trying to hide his shocked expression, "First?" he mumbled, "as in you have multiple?"

Zelda stopped pushing Roh to face him, her eyes narrowing, "And?" she asked, practically challenging him to say something about it.

"I- Well," Link scratched the bridge of his nose, "that's...cool." He cleared his throat, searching for something else to say. "I'm guessing you also did some sort of engineering then?"

"Mechanical and now I'm working towards my Biomechanical."

Link missed the swing again, hand freezing in midair. She said it so nonchalantly like it was normal to have four degrees. He couldn't even imagine the dedication and strain it must have taken to get so far in, what, seven years of college? Something just wasn't adding up in Link's mind.

"What are you doing as a low-grade researcher with so many degrees?" he blurted out, "I mean, there have to be loads of other jobs that could be better."

He snapped his mouth shut as soon as the words left, coughing and hoping by some miracle she'd just ignore what he'd said. It was then that Roh and Zara decided they'd had enough of the swings. With the energy of two toddlers, they slid from their seats and sprinted off towards the sandbox on the other side of the yard, giggling all the way and leaving Link and Zelda far behind.

Zelda seemed stunned. Her eyes drifted to the ground and blinked rapidly, "It's not a low-grade research job," she said quietly, almost questioningly to herself.

She fixed him again with wide eyes, Link at a loss for words. He swallowed thickly "You are the daughter of the director," he said softly, " and sure our project is big...but I would think he'd have you as his head researcher-not a manager in Kakariko."

Zelda stared blankly at him, teeth digging into her bottom lip. He could tell by her face she knew what he said was true. Something Twi said came back to him, how she had been struggling to chase her father's approval. He couldn't say he'd ever had such desires or understood it even; especially if she held herself back to such lengths.

"I'm sorry " Link quickly apologized, "I shouldn't have said that." He tugged at his sweatshirt, the collar suddenly overwhelmingly tight.

"No," Zelda cut in, her voice small, "your probably right."

She caught Link off guard. If there was one thing he never expected to hear from her, it was that he was right. He looked at her curiously. She almost seemed bashful, eyes watching the two kids playing together, though she certainly looked better than when he'd seen her just a few days ago. Color was back in her cheeks and her eyes held their usual witty glint.

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