Flower Naps

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After leaving the mystical swamps of Lullaby Lake, the five of them (well, three really) were now all seen padding down the soft dirt trails of The Meadows. Going through the town riddled with cottages that's roofs were bloomed with all sorts of flowers, moss and vines. Potted plants and cooling food rested on several windowsills of the humble cottages while wooden benches, lamp posts and trees were scattered around the place.

A large, and old well worn out by the seasons right in the center of the bustling village with a wooden sign right next to it reading;
"Community well."

Occasionally the kind townsfolk would wave and give a little "hi!" towards the group. Sometimes calling Storm and Sniper out by their names which, of course, they would kindly reply right back to.

In the wagon next to his son, Dr. Casserole would look around at all the sights. The smells of flowers and all sorts of pastries and food wafting in the air along with the many scents of the villagers.

Feeling the sunshine through his glass, the scientist looked forward. Seeing that they were now making their way out of the village and into the overgrown fields of all sorts of different flowers and grasses. Hills and trees scattered around randomly amongst the sea of flowers.

Butterflies and bees buzzed and fluttered around spreading pollen from one flower to another, the occasional wasp, dragonfly or fly whizzing on by every now and then.

"Vhat a lovely place" Dr. Casserole commented, the cool breeze a welcomed contrast to the warm air as it would carry the many smells of all sorts of different types of flowers.

"Oh yeah, besides Star Mountain and Guardian Gorge this is one of the most popular places on all of Eon!" Storm enthusiastically said as they passed by an old, dilapidated looking cottage on a hill. It's mailbox(?) destroyed to pieces while boards were nailed over the windows like it was an apocalypse. Even the large rocking chair on the broken porch looked abandoned.

"Interezting..." Dr. Casserole briefly replied

"yeah I guess sssoooohmygoodness!-" Storm halted to a complete stop. Staring off into the flowers with wide eyes

Dr. Casserole and Cookies peered out from behind the luggage, following Storm's gaze to see him staring at a black mass amidst the flowers. The curve of the strange shape slowly rising and falling in rhythm with a loud snoring....or a monstrous snarling. Either or, it was loud enough to be heard from the long distance they were at.

"Awww she's sleeping in the flowers again!" Sniper happily whispered

Dr. Casserole raised a brow "who?" he asked

"Overcast!" he joyfully answered, looking back at the scientist

"Ovacazt?" Dr. Casserole echoed in confusion "really?" he blinked

"yeah!! Overcast loves to take naps here!" Sniper whispered, continuing to happily skip on forward while his brother followed, having a mischievous look of amusement on his face.


"how's it strange? She's sleepin' on a flowah bed" Cookies smirked

"Dear Daydream Cookies...." Storm mumbled in disappointment while his brother laughed and Dr. Casserole actually looked amused.

"Ah, I zee vhat you did zhere" he pushed up his 'glasses'

"glad y'glasses awre workin' pops" he playfully replied, getting an eye roll and a smile from his father.

As they passed by Overcast, Storm looked over at her and shouted
"HAVE A NICE NAP FLOWER QUEEN!!!" before running off laughing.

"WAAAIT!!!" Sniper shouted, running right after him while Anastasia merely quickened her pace.

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