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Founders Party | Ariana

Today was the day of the founders party I was going with Jacob while Bonnie was going with Jeremy. Bonnie didn't want to be a third wheel with me and Jake after Caroline blew her off for Damon.

So now here the four of us are Damon and Caroline in front of us at the Lockwood Mansion. Definitely regretting coming actually I didn't even want to Jake forced me. Aside from Jeremy I was the only liked Gilbert and I was more involved when it came to the town.

Yes I knew all about the council and vampires no they didn't know I was a witch. After all Emily Bennett Bonnie's ancestor died during the witch trials.

The council those being the Lockwood couple, Logan Fell, Elizabeth Forbes, and some other officials are all looking for a device created by one of our ancestors.

The device is a literal compass watch it tracks vampires. There's a little dial so whenever a vampire is near the dial will move in said direction and it goes haywire the closer you get.

Jeremy is now in possession of said watch that they're looking for. They called Elena a few hours before the party about the watch being missing and Elena automatically assumed Jeremy soled it but I stepped in and said it went missing.

Why did I lie? Because I have plans and if they get their hands on that watch those plans will be ruined. My plans go beyond a tomb under a church holding desiccated vampires.

Unfortunately I need Stefan and Damon here doesn't mean I have to like it. Only person who knows about my plans is Bonnie and that's because she's helping.

"Caroline! You look smashing!" I heard Mrs.Lockwood say making me cringe next to Bonnie while she shook her head.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. This is my boyfriend Damon." Care replied as me and Bonnie looked at each other.

"Oh, well, come on in." Carol replied as me and Bonnie walked into a room which had all the founding families items in it.

Elena came in with Stefan while me and Bonnie were looking at our parents wedding rings. "Your parents wedding rings?" Stefan asked Elena while looking at me.

"Yea there's a lot of history here" she replied back as me and Bonnie walked away much to Stefan's dismay.

The two of us went to look at the registry as our eyes came across two interesting names.

" "The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" Elena said making me internally grown can I get one day away from her?

"The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually." In came Damon and Caroline me and Bonnie smiled at our other best friend.

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan said I rolled my eyes of course he'd say that.

"It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family." Elena said which doesn't surprise me. I think Elena was catching onto Stefan's attitude and actions towards her so she was more curious.

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