Nostalgia/ Prologue

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He questioned his existence every day.

But who didn't?

That's the point Felix tried to make to everyone he ever came across with. Why would you waste time to show everyone that a simple human being like you exists, instead of living your life to the fullest?

Unfortunately, that didn't last long.

South Korea faced a deadly threat that would no longer be able to be cured. It wasn't a sickening disease, it wasn't a straight-up pandemic from a deadly disease, but the difference between them both was simply unheard of.

The calious effect.

The disease was nonexistent until January 15th, in the year 2019 the day when hell took its place on earth.

The disease was merely more than just a deadly weapon caused by the Seoul scientists, but a danger that could never be released outside Korea's walls.

The remaining civilians called it the virus. But over time, those remaining individuals decreased more and more. Getting plucked off without no hesitation, like a petal to a wilting flower.

It had been 3 years since the virus occurred, and there was no hope for the rest of humanity as they lived in an imitation of hell. Felix gave up on trying to find a place he called paradise, after years of searching and surviving through the deadly hordes of dead individuals, he too... lost hope.

Most of his days he sat in his room studying the outdoors like it was a masterpiece an artist would create when inspired. Some part of himself still found happiness within the world, even when it was dreadfully destroyed. But that's just how Felix was, and honestly; He had absolutely no idea how he was still surviving from this madness, hence him not being experienced in any sort of combat.

But hell, Guess he was just that lucky to receive god's ultimate blessing.

"Fuck!" He cursed gruesomely, Rubbing his head from accidentally walking into a wall. Felix had been living in this closeted apartment of his ever since the virus had begun, and he grew tired of having not being able to oversee the new somewhat refound world. Yet he was too afraid to even step outside of it.

But he had no choice, his food source was being shortened continuously, and it was simply impossible for a human being to live off of food for the rest of his life. Even when he would rather just simply say he didn't need it, yet again, the human body needs its resources to process, and it wasn't exactly the thing that Felix was too keen about.

He approached the inside of his room, staring at the broken mattress whilst dirt scattered along with the floors. The place wasn't perfect, but it was home. He couldn't more like wouldn't want to live anywhere else that he wasn't too familiar with, hence he never left the premises.

He sat down at his bedside and grabbed a picture on the side counter, the frame was a picture of his two sisters, Olivia, and Rachel. He hadn't seen them in years since they lived in Australia whilst Felix was stuck down in Korea. He transferred down there to be a student at Jyp Academy, but never knew what he would get himself into.

The number of nights Felix spent mourning over his family was unbearable, He wished- no hoped that they were still alive and that they were happy and safe. But there were no guarantees that a warning was even announced throughout the world, hell Felix didn't even know if the world was already overtaken by the dead species.

However, Felix thought on the bright side about the situation, hence seeing the happy things, minus the sad.

"Almost out..." He mumbled to himself, thoroughly scanning the pantry from the loss of food. He sighed before rubbing his head gently. "Guess I have no choice."

Felix lazily made his way over to the broken counter top where his binoculars were sat. Directing himself towards the window, the view used to be spectacular. But now it was just broken.

"There's one..." He started. "Two..." He continued.

"And... three.." He finished, leaving a trail from the last sentence. Looking around the premises was something he did regularly, but he never had a clear reason for it until now. Making it out of the apartment was somewhat easy hence Felix was the only one locked in. But making it to the store across the street,

Was another story.

He groaned at the thought of leaving his safe Heaven. The only time Felix had left his house was when the virus broke out. 3 years ago.

Over those three years, Felix went searching through his apartment complex, going through the empty apartments to find resources he would eventually need when death was nearly calling for him. And even after all of that, he eventually went dry out of the main resource he truly needed.

Food, along with water.

He contemplated for weeks if he would rather just die before being personally handed to the dangerous species. But he figured that it would be a waste to waste this chance of surviving this disaster, rather then giving up without trying.

But he couldn't help that he thought it was too early for his question to come to a conclusion so harshly.

It was a mere minute or so that Felix stood still in his living space. So many thoughts rambled his mind unnecessarily as he contemplated whether if this was a good idea or not. But unfortunately, he was already grabbing his things and making his way over to the door.

He hesitated as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

It was now or never.


Ohoho, another story? Guess I just couldn't keep the idea to myself, sadly.

Also quick reminder, the sequel to my secret assassin will be posted as soon as I get more into this story. Also if this is your first time reading one of my stories, feel free to check out.

Jinx- most popular book, interesting storyline. In the process of editing.

Secret assassin- second most popular, adding a sequel. In the process of editing.

Lit my soul- currently in the process finishing the story.

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