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Disclaimer: The setting, basic ideas, types of dragons etc. belong to Tui T. Sutherland. We aren't claiming ownership of anything but the characters. Some of the character names were found on the fandom. There was also a rainwing emotion chart that was extremely helpful. All of the rainwing color emotions came from the site. Oh and the Prophecy base came from fandom and the individual lines were edited and interpreted by Legend Kitten and Greeno. Let me know if you want to see the interpretations.

This book is a group story, written by six (one just joined) people. Here are the names you can call them(these aren't the real names) and their jobs.

Legend Kitten: Me! Poster, editor, writer(wrote like 62%), works WAY too hard, needs to take a break, obsessed with padlet.

Greeno: Main editor, manager, organizes the meetings, supervises the others and makes sure we don't do stupid stuff, writes a little probably wrote(9%), sometimes might be called Greeno.

LBO: Mentally unstable, writer(13%), COMPLETELY insane

Bad Dancer: CLUMSY, writer(11%), does insane stuff in the book, responsible for the monkeys.

Book Owl: Writer (5%), Does mostly prologues and epilogues, helps editing, recently got more dirty minded.

Super idol™: Also Mentally unstable, tired all the time, doesn't deal with anyone's bull, pretty chill.

Together we are the proud fanfiction force!!! (Lol please don't actually call us that) 

Time for the serious part: If someone is threatening people in the comments let me know! This goes along with the previous thing: no hate or unkind comments please. If anyone is being disrespectful to anyone else they will get warning and then more serious consequences.

Happy Reading!! :) :D (;

Also thanks for reading this.  

How do people typically end this?


-Legend Kitten Out :)

Shadows and Peace Book 1: A Wings of Fire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now