"Hey baby!". Áine greeted. He was just a month old. He was born on the seventh of April which was also Áine's baby boy's death anniversary.

To Áine, it was a special day, she might have lost a baby but she gained another angel here on earth and that was baby Khalil.

Khalil made cooing sounds and then spit out milk. Tanya stood, too stunned to speak as it dripped on her hand and looked at Áine who was laughing over the phone.

"This is a sign to have your own baby!". Tanya told her, turning the baby around and placing him over her shoulder and gently patting his back. She wiped the milk off her hand.

"Don't jinx me". Áine told her while pointing at the phone.

"With the way you and Amaru be fucking, I don't doubt it. You probably pregnant ". Tanya told her causing a scoff to escape her lips.

"Tanya shut the fuck up. You tryna jinx me and I don't like that". She smacked her lips in annoyance. In actual fact Áine feared being pregnant because of how her previous pregnancies turned out.

"I'm just saying". Tee shrugged now sitting down, rocking her son in her arms.

"Let's talk about something else please".

"How's the bakery coming along?". Tanya asked. Áine looked up from cutting her onions and a small smile graced her face.

"Everything is going great. We will be opening soon and i can't wait!". Áine happily exclaimed.

"I'm proud of you Nene. Really, I am. After everything you've been through, you deserve it".

"Thank you sis. I feel like everything is coming together and I'm happy". She expressed.

"You really deserve it. And the wedding? When is it?". Tanya asked now yawning.

"Next spring". Áine mentioned, now pouring the chicken stock in the pot.

"Why so far?".

"Because we decided to finish all the business projects we have this year so we won't have issues when planning the wedding ". Áine explained.

"That's makes sense". Tanya yawned again.

"Girl lemme leave you. I can see you tired".

"No, I'm not". She protested, grabbing the phone off the table and holding it in her hand.

"It's fine, Tanya and if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me". Áine told her.

"Oh okay, I will. Love you". Tanya said.

"Love you too!". Áine said then hung up. She was done cooking and was sure Amaru was done showering as well.

She poured the soup in a bowl and grabbed a tray and placing everything on there. She made her way to the bedroom, pushing the door with her butt.

She walked in, finding Amaru back in bed asleep on his stomach and shirtless. His light snores filled the room causing Áine to shake her head. She placed the tray of food on his night stand and kneed on the edge of the bed.

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