Chapter 2

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"Excuse the intrusion."

The three maids assisting the young woman in dressing and straightening up the room, gave a respectful bow and made themselves scarce. Greer easily recognized him. After all, her brother complained about him in every letter he wrote her when he still served in the army. "Good morning, Jonah."

"Yes, good morning, Mrs. Kingsley." The way he spoke sounded forced. He wasn't pleased with the secrecy of the arrangement and it likely bothered him that she bore the Atlas name before taking Lancelot's.

"There's no need for formalities. I'd prefer to be called Greer." She offered him a warm smile, fiddling with the ring awkwardly snug around her finger.

Jonah gave a curt nod, dutifully doing as asked of him. "I'd like to escort you to breakfast in the dining hall." He had plenty of questions that he needed answers to. King Lancelot had refused to speak of it, only giving orders to make sure Greer was treated well.

"That would be lovely. Thank you."

Greer had few memories of Jonah, only seeing the man from afar. Their family's cordial and she was sure that she'd spoken to him a handful of times, if only to say hello. She did remember that he could always be found with Lancelot, his admiration going all the way back to childhood.

From the upstairs window, the training yard below held a unit of soldiers headed by one of the other Chosen Thirteen. The woman paused, drawn in by the uniformity and focus. "I've never seen it so closely." Her brother preferred for her to be kept at a distance.

"As the King of Hearts wife, you should familiarize yourself with certain subjects, including the army." Jonah observed her fascinated features. How many women had he walked down this hall for audiences with his King? All had complained about the headquarters or pretended that they weren't in the presence of soldiers.

Greer didn't find this place frightening.

"Yes, I agree. I have much to study." Her golden eyes turned from the training yard to the Queen of Hearts, finding his amber ones. "Would you recommend some documents and books? I would greatly appreciate any assistance. I know so little about this part of Red Territory."

Jonah was certainly surprised. She genuinely wished to rise to her new position, not something that most high-born women would agree to. "Of course. Whatever you need, I shall arrange for it."

Honestly, she was nothing like he had been imagining. Sitting across from her in the dining hall, Jonah could find little fault in her manners and etiquette, although it was taught to all who bore a Chosen Thirteen family name. She gracefully answered each of his questions without becoming defensive or annoyed, as most did.

"Why did you marry King Lancelot?"

The undertone of the question really asking: why did your family push for this arrangement? For power? For higher status?

One that Greer knew she'd be answering time and time again. Most of the highest families in Red Territory wanted a clear line of succession into the army, so there wasn't too much intermingling of the Chosen Thirteen's families in the marriage aspect. Alliances were one thing but claims to certain seats in the army were expected to be clear.

And as such, an Atlas marrying a Kingsley had caused an uproar, especially with their seat forfeited to a man that had no pedigree.

Greer set her teacup onto the saucer without a sound, quietly considering the question before speaking. "Wouldn't it be lovely to say that we married for love?" She posed the question with a weak smile. "But it's never so easy."

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