Memento Mori

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The drive to Joeys job was quiet and long... I was focused on getting us there, while Julie was looking out the rear window, I couldn't read what she was thinking... Joey was lost his own thoughts, I could tell he was breaking from everything that was happening... While Susie coped by just drawing in her notebook... I couldn't tell what she was drawing... But I wanted to get a good loo- "Frank!- Eyes on the road!" Julie raised her voice and I perked up, I nearly was driving the car off road but she got me to focus, "Sorry-Sorry..." I mumbled as I took a left into the parking lot of Joeys workplace... I parked the car, and turned to look behind at Joey and Susie, "You two got your masks with you?" I asked, Susie nodded at me and closed her own notebook taking her mask out of her backpack and Joey simply lifted his bandana up to act as his mask

I looked over at Julie and put my own mask on, Julie looked back at me, and put her mask on as well. "Then let's go have some fun-" Julie said as she left the car first, I turned the car off and put the keys in my pocket, exiting the car and walking beside Julie, Susie and Joey followed behind us... Julie looked at me, "Remember what Joey said all that time ago?... His boss treats this place like his home... Basically living here?" Susie whispered to me as we walked, she caught my attention... "Yeah- I remember that..." I said, I could tell Julie was grinning under her mask, "Heh-... You know what to do when the time comes-" Julie said devilishly.

Once we reached the door, I looked at Joey, "You still have the key to this place?" I asked, Joey nodded and took his keychain out, fumbling through the keys before finding the key into the store, he unlocked the door and opened it up, "Viola-" Joey said jokingly, Joey was still trying to lighten the mood up between us all, but to be honest, I don't think any of us cared, and Susie was too scared to speak up...

"Just be quiet guys... Don't wanna wake my boss up... He basically lives here-" Joey whispered, Julie took a can of spray paint out and began to vandalize our logo onto the wall of the shop. Susie quietly looked around for some art supplies to steal, and I made my way to the cash register, I know I didn't care enough to steal the money.. Money didn't mean anything to me anymore, but it was to keep up appearances with the rest of the group... All I could think about was ending another life...

Joey opened the door to the back room, "The boss keeps his safe in his office... He keeps all of valuables in there-" Joey whispered to us... "We hit that safe up... Take the money.. Then get out of here... Capiche?" I spoke, grinning to myself, I only wanted him to go for the safe, so poor Joey could end up waking his boss up... The likelihood of that would steadily increase if he tried that. "Capiche-" Joey said as he went into the back room...

A long quiet pause filled the air, Susie and Julie finished with their respective goals and stood behind me, Julie nudged me, I nodded to her nudge and took my pocket knife out of my pocket... Susie was too worried about Joey to even notice what I brought out...

Joey was in there awhile before he walked out, he looked at all three of us and chuckled softly, "Oh man-... Guys-" he was holding a plastic bag and opened it up in front of all 3 of us, there was a lot of valuables in there, loads of money, a wallet, hell, the crazy bastard kept a gun in his safe too... Looked to be a magnum or something.. I don't know gun-types... Susie walked up and looked in the bag, "Wow-... Imagine all the stuff we could get with this-" Susie spoke, excitedly before suddenly, a figure pushed Joey over onto the ground, and grabbed Susie, holding her down, me and Julie were left standing there, in front of Joeys boss...

"You shitheads are real?!- I was in the camp of people that wanted to believe The Legion was a folktale.. A Myth-... You guys stole my car... Now you're trying to steal my valuables?!" The Boss yelled at us, as his grip on Susie tightened. "S-Stop!- Y-You're hurting me!-" Susie whimpered, her mask had fallen off her face, The Boss perked up, looking at Susie's face, "Y-You... Y-You're a kid..." The Boss hesitated a bit, mostly surprised... That a couple of kids became infamous criminals.

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