High School

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I knew Clive wasn't gonna bother to drive me to school, I knew the most I got out of him was him enrolling me, so I put my backpack over my back and left the house, walking down the streets of Ormond... Weren't many people out, it was always snowy here, then again, seems everywhere I've lived has snow everyday, I kept walking and as I walked, I saw a girl... She was taking the same road I was taking, she was wearing a hoodie and approaching the school which was basically right ahead of us... She lived so close to me, and had a nice house... When I say nice house... I mean like... Her parents have to be rich... Had two floors, a clean porch, actual cars instead of crappy pickup trucks... Needless to say... This girl was one of the popular girls... I ran up to her and walked beside her, one thing I'm good at... Is talking....

The girl seemed surprised by me walking close by her, "Uh.... What's up?..." The girl asked, she was quiet, I can understand why, what would you do in the situation where some 19 year old guy walks up to you while walking to school, "Not much, you're the first person my age I've seen around here and I just moved in... Names Frank... Frank Morrison" I said, holding my hand out, the girl seemed comforted by my lack of hesitance, she shook my hand, "Julie.... Julie Kostenko" She smiled slightly, I chuckled a bit, "What the fuck kind of last name is Kostenko?" I joked, "What do you mean? What kind of last name is Morrison?" She joked back, I shrugged, "I don't know... A normal one?" I said, "Well Frank... what year are you in?... You seem like a Junior or Senior to me" she asked, "Senior... But I should definitely should be graduated... Last foster home I was in was rough... Didn't have much time for schoolwork" I said, as I walked up the steps of the school

Julie followed up behind me, "Well good luck... Don't worry... In Ormond, literally all the teachers don't give two shits about the students... Unless you like... I don't know.... Cuss a teacher out or break a students arm, I'd say you'll survive" Julie said as she entered the school, I followed behind her. "... Well... I better go get my schedule and see what shit I have to deal with.... Be seeing you Julie..." I said, I began to walk away but Julie turnt around, "Hey! I'm having a back to school party this Friday... You should totally come... But only if you're fine with some under classes, my friend Susie made me be "all-inclusive".... You'll fit right in, Frank" She said, I turnt back around to her, "You bet your ass I'll be there then... I'll try not to cause too much trouble until then" I said as I waved goodbye to her and walked off...

School was... Well it was school.... Classes were boring... Nothing new... Not like I even cared in the first place in all honesty- however I did find myself in some trouble near the end of the school day, most underclasses wouldn't pick a fight with a senior, but today one did

I never even caught the kids name, he was a junior, I guess to impress a girl or something, after school he went and laid a cheap shot, punching me in my jaw, guess he didn't like the way I looked at his girl... I could care less who the girl was or who this dude was, I look at whatever I want to look at... I stood up and prepared to punch this idiots teeth out but suddenly, someone about this guys age butted in, telling us to break it up, we were still on school property after all...

"This idiot got a cheap shot on me, you expect me not to throw a punch back?!" I raised my voice, "It wasn't personal, just don't harass my girl, fucking creep!" He yelled, the boy who stopped the fight held his hand out. "Sorry about him... He's the "star" of our basketball team- I'm also there, but I'd call myself a bit more humble... If you wanna punch me on behalf of him, then do it-..." The boy said surprisingly calmly, I shrugged and punched the guy right in the gut, he dropped down and grunted. I rolled my eyes and helped him up, shaking his hand this time... "Names Frank by the way..." I said, "J-Joey...." He responded... I'll be damned, this guy was... Well he was chill... "Nice to meet you Joey... Sorry I had to punch the breath out of ya-" I said as he jokingly patted his shoulder, "You're that Frank guy?... Julie was talking about you... You'll be at her party, right?" He asked, I nodded, "100%- I guess I'll see you there Joey..." I said as I began walking away from the school

As I walked back home, I began to walk past Julies house, but as I was walking back, the door to Julies house opened up and Julie ran out of her house... "Frank Morrison right?..." She asked, sounding excited, I looked down at her, "Yeah-... Frank Morrison... I thought we were supposed to meet up at your party, not right now.." I asked, Julie had a notebook and pulled it out, "Are you the same Frank Morrison from the newspaper?....." she showed me her notebook... How the hell did she get information from this far back, "Foster Kid forms cult-like following in local youth after being known for his illegal activities... That's you right?! And-And that's not all, you were a legend down there in Calgary!..." I was shocked by her knowing all this information, "Heh-... I guess I was... Yeah! That's me... How the hell did you figure this out?" I asked, Julie seemed embarrassed and closed her notebook, "I.... I... Have a hobby of investigating true crime here in Canada... Sure the stuff that happens here isn't as interesting as the shit that goes down in the states... But... Yeah... When I talked to you this morning, your name sounded familiar so I... Took a dig through my collection of newspapers and found the ones with your name on it..."

I was impressed by this girl... Not only was she the popular girl.... She was actually smart... "Wow-... You won't believe this Julie, but I have an interest in the crime-side of things too..... Heh... Speaking of which... Did you hear about that guy down in the states?..." "W-Which one?" "Guy goes by "The Shape"?... I believe the news report was-" Before I could say any more she butted in, "Halloween Night Massacre?... 4 Found Dead, Only One Survivor?" She asked excitedly, almost as if it was trivia, "Yeah! Yeah, that one! I heard they made a movie about it-" ".... Are you talking about Halloween?" She asked, I nodded, "Yeah! That one!... Never saw it though" I said, Julie looked at me, "Well uh... I have it on VHS... Do you uh... Wanna come in?... We could watch it..." Julie asked,

I let out a sigh, "Sign me up then!-"

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