Incident 1

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Alas... The fun, thrilling chase of the Legion would always come to a halt when School started... For some godforsaken reason... Julie, Susie, and Joey still actually tried in school... I ain't angry at them for it... I'm just confused... Oh.... Yeah... I forgot... My "dad" is still just as much of an asshole as he always is... He's not even a dad at this point, he's just a guy who happens to live in the same house as me... I hate him... Always drinking... Always inviting some random whore or slut to his house... MY house... It's not like he gives a shit about me... He doesn't even stay in the house half the time probably off at some fucking strip club spending his paycheck on "The Necessities"... Sure... He keeps the water on... He keeps electricity on... But let's be honest.... The world would be better off without him

"Hey Frank-" Julie poked me, I perked up, closing my journal yet again... "Hey Julie... Sorry... Heh..." I was sitting down in the cafeteria alone that day... Tired of my dad so much... My thoughts have been making their way into my journal more often, I forget to separate reality from fiction... "... You seemed to be having a pretty intense writing that... Bet you were writing something pretty suggestive..." She tried to make a snarky tease towards me, I appreciated the attempt, but I couldn't care less about what she thought of what I was writing... That only matters to me

"Heh-... Yeah- It was pretty intense... It's a good way for me to... Get some internal anger out..." I said, Julie then held my hand, "Susie is busy with studying up for one of her finals... Joey is off working with that shitty boss of his... That just leaves me and you Frank..." Julie grinned a bit, I couldn't help but grin back, "Nice change of pace... Wanna ditch school and come by my place?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, Julie's head nodded immediately in response, "Hell yeah- School blows anyways... Always has" She smiled and stood up, rushing off, making it a race, I chuckled and rushed off behind her excitedly, Julie was as close to a partner I would ever get... Maybe not my dream girl, but, she's good enough for me... I heard some teachers yell at us as we ditched campus, but we just continued, not giving two shits about whatever he'd have to say.

— Later That Day —

We had both snuck into my house through the window... Julie embraced me once we went inside, hugging me tightly, I softly hugged her back. "Heh-
Julie, you're acting odd today-" I said, Julie chuckled a bit; "We're the Legion..  Being odd is kind of our thing..." She said, stopping hugging me and pacing around my room... "We have to do something big Frank..." She said, looking at me, "There's only so much infamy we can gain in Ormond by robbing grocery stores and hijacking cars... I get it, doing stuff like that makes it easy to avoid cops but... We have to do a game changer" She said, clenching her fists, "Alright, I'm game... What do you have in mind?..." I asked as I sat on my bed, "... I have a perfect idea... I can read you like a book Frank, I know the dark thoughts that lurk in your head... Heh... You're capable of so much more than just car theft..." Julie said, somewhat seductively as she looked me in the eye.

She was right, there was so much evil I wanted to act upon... But, I held it back, like a pussy. Julie opened her backpack up, and took out a small pocket knife, she then handed it to me... "When does your dad get home?" Julie asked me, I grabbed the pocket knife... "... He's probably home right now... Clives probably drunkenly asleep on his reclining chair in the living room to be honest" I said as I flipped the knife around, examining it... "Frank... Be my hero... Be your own hero... Kill that son of a bitch" she whispered in my ear, I knew I shouldn't act upon it... But I wanted to... I always wanted to...

I exited the room, putting my legion mask and hood on as I approached the living room, there he was... That lazy asshole Clive... He's supposed to be my father... That couldn't be further from the truth... He used the child support money he gets for pretty much anything besides me... I clenched the knife and slowly approached him, crouching beside him... What I did next, would change how my life turns out... I looked down the Hallway, there was Julie, watching my every move

I suddenly grabbed him by his neck with my hand, beginning to choke him out as I held the knife to his neck. Clive awoke, struggling and trying to push me off him but I was unmoving. "F-Frank!- The hell are you d-" Before he could finish that sentence I slit my blade across Clives neck, the slice didn't even kill him, blood poured onto my face as he then kicked my gut and pushed me off. He had tears in his eyes... What a joke... He struggled to retain consciousness, stumbling towards the front door, blood pouring from his neck... I handed the knife to Julie, Julie slowly approached Clive.. "After all the years of studying serial killers... Finally... I get to be one!" Suddenly Julie stabbed the knife into Clives neck, Calvin grunted out in pain, punching Julie in the face and cracking her mask.

"Don't you hurt her, you bastard!" I yelled out as I tackled Clive down, the poor bastard was bleeding all over the place, I chuckled slightly and slammed my fists against his ugly, pathetic face repeatedly. "Years and Years of living with you is worse than death you prick! You could've raised me, made me a good person, but look what you've created!" I grabbed Clives chin and forced him to look into my eyes, the lifeless eyes that were covered by my mask... "F-F-Frank-" He gurgled out as he spit blood up on my mask, "No.... You don't get to say my name... Rot in hell-... I'll meet you there eventually..." I stood up and stomped on his face repeatedly, Julie simply watched in awe as I stomped his face repeatedly, years of abuse... Finally, paying off.

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