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Much time had passed since stealing that assholes car, we moved on since then... I guess I should catch you up....

— 1 Week after Forming the Legion —

I invited the Legion to my place, I showed them my house and all of my collectibles, I showed Julie, Susie, and Joey how to make their own masks, so we all could look different from one another... Julie chose the same type of Mask as me... But while mine had to wide eyes and a large grin at the bottom to fear others, Julies had more human-like eyes with a blank expression... I thought it fit her perfectly... She was going for a different type of... "Creepy"... Susie picked up on of the masks up and didn't cut eye-holes out, instead, she cut the mask in half and then stitched it back together like you'd stitch up a bloody wound... She let the stitches hang a little bit so she could see out of them... Very unique... Very creepy.... Joey took a very different look from all of us, Joey didn't like how our masks felt, so instead he took an old black bandana and tied it around the area below his nose, he then borrowed some of Susies eye-shadow and darkened the open face portion of his disguise so he looked like a shadow, besides his eyes...

"Well, is that all we need to be... Disguised?" Joey asked, "Yeah- That's all you lot need but...you're missing out on the best parts" I said as I took my mixtape out, I took a couple of empty tapes out, "You guys can use my laptop- download some music on your own tapes... Keep one ear open whenever we're out though... So you can keep yourself semi-alert while we go out-..." I said, Joey and Susie almost immediately began browsing through the music, but Julie stopped me, dragging me away from them both so she could talk to me alone.. "Really Frank?... Music?... What help is that gonna do us if we want to be-" I cut her off, "Listen- we both hate the world, and it's people, I get it... But... One of the few things that keeps people like us capable is a couple of nice-ass tunes" I said, Julie looked at me and nodded, ".... Heh... You're the criminal here... I just study them... I guess you know more than me..." She said, looking to the side. "Hey-... We're in this together here, Julie-" I looked at her, tilting my head, Julie sighed... "Yeah-... Yeah I guess we are... You're the leader after all-..." She said, giving me a smile... I returned her with a smile of my own

- 1 Month after forming The Legion -

We have become sort of an icon in Ormond, no one had any idea who we were under the masks... We were merely just a rumor around town... A fairy tale... No one knew whether this "Legion" was fact or fiction.... We had some pretty big steals... Money, IDs, cellphones, VCRs... All the shit anyone our age needs to stay alive...

Julie and I had gotten more close, so had Susie and Joey with me but... Nothing compared to Julie... She understood me... Surprising, I know...

"Frank! Joey has an idea!-" Susie yelled out to me while we were all hanging out on the Mount Ormond Cabin... "Yeah?- Yeah what is it?!" I asked as I closed my journal, looking back at her, "Joey brought us some spray paint... He met up with some hippie Artistic hobo guy... Think his name was like Jeff or something?... Eh whatever, Joey thinks... We should do some decorating" Susie said, Joey was busy spray painting and had his headphones on, "Are you two talking about me or something?" He asked, "No- Joey... We aren't..." I said as I stood up and walked over to the two of them.

"What do ya say?..." Susie asked as she handed me a bottle of spray paint, I smirked a bit and took the bottle, "Hell yeah-" I began to spray paint around the walls of the cabin, having a blast, it was fun, being able to express myself...

"Frank, check it out-" Julie called out, I had no idea Julie was helping out with the spray paint, I walked over to her, after finishing my personal work on spraypainting a skull... "Whoa..." I looked at the art piece she made... "I call it Legion" She said, as there was a drawing of our four masks, with the phrase "We are Legion" below it...

"Holy Shit- that's badass" I said, staring at it, Julie nodded, "... Yep... It's official.... We're Legion-" She said softly, grabbing onto my hand, I hesitantly smiled. "Y-Yeah.... Legion..." I held her hand in mine.

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