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She attended classes the following day and could barely concentrate.

The thought of meeting Donovan again was paramount in her mind.

At some point during one of her lectures, she heard laughter and snapped out of her lost mind

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At some point during one of her lectures, she heard laughter and snapped out of her lost mind.

Then she realized that the lecturer was staring at her. She had asked her a question and because she was in a blank state, her colleagues began to laugh at her situation.

"Where is your mind?" The woman asked.

"Sorry, Ma'am. I was just..."

"Daydreaming? Get out of my class. I don't encourage laxity."

"Ma'am-" she began imploringly.

"I said leave."

She gathered her books, threw them in her bag, and walked out to more giggles that ended after the lecturer asked who would be the next to leave.

After leaving the class she stood outside the window and took notes.

That was the way at Wilberforce Island University. It was like a jungle. Only the strong survived. You don't just go home because you were sent out of the class. You hang around and hope for mercy. If you're lucky, the lecturer would consider your diligence and let you back in.

If you left, you are marked as proud. Then you have to pray that you have the brains to pass the course without needing grade boosters. Because then, the lecturer who has marked you will have something to be nasty to you about.

As she took notes outside, she suddenly got the feeling that she was forgetting something.

Since the lecture demanded her

attention, the sudden feeling left her mind.

After about five minutes outside, the lecturer looked her way and gestured for her to get back in.

She re-entered the class, thanked the lecturer, and sat down.

Someone passed her a note. It was from the Queen of the class and her gang seated behind her. She was a bully revered by her two devoted friends.

She opened the note which read- You suck.

At first, she was taken aback. Then she recollected herself. They were the least of her problem.

She simply responded with - Same to you, Queen, Tracy, and Bella. This isn't high school. It is a university. Grow up.

Then she returned the note to the Queen.

She heard their well-controlled huffs behind her but paid no heed to them.

Again she got the feeling that she had forgotten something. Everything within her told her that whatever she was forgetting was of importance. Again, her thoughts on the matter were interrupted as another note was passed to her by the bully squad. Upon checking the content, she saw the words- You will pay for this.

Donovan(Complete)- Undergoing Editing.Where stories live. Discover now