Chapter 8

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Its a new day. I was sitting in my bed just scrolling through Twitter trying to keep updated with the world. I wondered if any of my friends at the circus had social media. Upon looking, I saw most of the circus did so I gave them all a follow. I was still pondering what was going on with YUKC0 so I decided to investigate his page. There wasn't much but for him calling his fans ugly and reposts of art made of him. Overall normal content. I want to know what's wrong with him. I finally decided to crawl out of bed and get ready for work. I planned to ask G0Z about housing considering how long the trip is. It also doesn't seem that bad of a place to live anyway. After I was done getting ready I traveled to the circus. Now I have to go find G0Z. I eventually found him in his office reading the news paper with his feet up on the desk. "Excuse me, are you busy?" I asked them. They put down the paper "Yeah, what's up!" "Well I wanted to ask to see if their was any housing here?" "Thinking of moving? Well yes there is!" they said standing up and grabbing a piece of paper from a file cabinet and handed it to me. It had a description of what houses were available and what they looked like on the inside. They all looked the same so I decided on the house closest to the circus to save me walking time. G0Z told me that my payments would start off as "30 circus peanuts" a month. Why do I pay in circus peanuts? Is that the currency for this place? Well then. After I arrived to my new home, I looked around to see what was in store for me. It had normal furniture. Nothing to fancy but it was a home. I decided that I should move my things here after work. Off to a good start.

338 words. Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter hehe. Have a lovely day! :o)

Less Ugly (YUKC0 x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें