Chapter 1

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New day new opportunities. Today I'm going to finally apply for that job at the circus. I have had this poster hanging on my fridge for about a week now and I have been looking for a new job since I got fired. Its not my fault that lady wouldn't shut her damn mouth. Not the point.

I decided to dress in some nice cloths. Nothing to fancy but it should make a good first impression. After getting ready I grab the poster and call the number on it. I was slightly nervous waiting for someone to pick up the phone then I heard a voice on the other side. "Goooood morning! You are currently speaking to G0Z." the voice exclaimed. "Um, hi yes I'm here to ask about that job opportunity." I said feeling a little less nervous than previously. "Ah yes! May I get a name so I know who I am looking?" G0Z expressed. "Oh yeah! Uh Y\N." "Alright Y/N, I will see you-?" "How does 30 minutes sound?" "That works for me!" "Alright! I will see you then." "See you then." Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I grabbed my bag and started walking. This is gonna be great. 

Chapter 1 completed! 206 words. I will see you next chapter :o) 

Less Ugly (YUKC0 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now