Chapter 41: Labor Day Visitors

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I woke up in the morning and looked around at my room.

In my own house.

My own space, my own life, without anyone to tell me what to do. I felt overjoyed looking around at my cozy surroundings, the sunlight shining through the curtains, and Louis snoozing quietly next to me. 

The fact that he looked so peaceful didn't stop me from messing with him. I shook him by the shoulder said in a loud, panicked voice, “Louis! Wake up!” 

He startled awake and looked at me with wide eyes. “Huh? What?! What's wrong?!” 

I fell over, laughing at him in his disheveled and disoriented state. He furrowed his brow at me and I almost thought he was mad until he grabbed my wrists and yanked me back up to face him. He leaned in to kiss me and then he stopped just a centimeter shy of my lips. I tried to close the gap, but he put his hand between us and said, “Uh-uh. No kisses for you.”

“Please!” I said in a goofy voice, giggling and falling over again. 

“Sheesh, woman, you get a little bit of freedom and you turn into a crazy person!” He said, laughing at me. 

“Because I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. Most people are happy when they have everything figured out. I'm happy because someone else doesn't have it all figured out for me. I can make my life into anything I want it to be!” 

“You're quite philosophical for this time of the morning,” he noted. Then he got up out of bed, came around to my side and lifted me up by my hands. He snaked his arms around my back and kissed me. 

“I thought you weren't going to give me any kisses,” I said. 

“Well, I realized that I would be punishing myself, too.” 

We found that Preston was already up and had coffee made. I gratefully poured myself a giant mug and sat down on the bench that curved around the dining room. It served as seating for the table, along with two chairs. I took a sip and closed my eyes while I savored the strong flavor. 

“So, what are we going to do today, boys?” I asked. 

“I think we should drive around and check out the area,” Louis said. And then he said to Preston, “Ashten can drive us for once. How does that sound?” 

They both laughed, but I panicked, saying, “No! I think I'm a good driver so far, but I don't want to try to drive in a place that's so new to me!” 

Louis reassured me, “You'll do fine. Preston and I will sit in the back seat and pretend you're our chauffeur.” 

I gave him a dirty look and said, “Fine, I will drive some of the time, but not all the time. I don't have an actual license, remember? If I get a ticket, you're going to pay for it,” I told Louis. 

“Says the multimillionaire,” he replied sarcastically. 

“It's the principle,” I shot back. 

We ate breakfast and got ready to head out for the day. I got into the driver's seat and at first, Louis and Preston sat in back, but I refused to move until Louis came up front. Then he pulled up a map of the area on his phone and gave me turn by turn directions. 

Soon, I heard Preston in the back seat, speaking in a falsetto voice. “Oh, yes, Tiffany. I did buy a pair of those new Prada sandals. In fact, one can never have enough Prada, so I bought one in every color.” 

I glanced in the rear-view mirror and said, “Please tell me that you are not mocking me!” 

Preston continued, “Hold on, Tiffany. My chauffeur is saying something to me.” 

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