Chapter 25: Acceptance

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I hesitated for a moment, hoping he would at least say something

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I hesitated for a moment, hoping he would at least say something.


I tried to leave, but before I was able to step through the doorway, I felt him grab my wrist. He pulled me so hard that my body spun around and smacked into his. And then his lips were hungrily attacking mine. As I realized what was happening, I let out my pent up sobs between kisses. He slipped both hands under my chin, cradling my face, and his thumbs wiped away my tears while he still kissed me. He pulled back long enough to whisper, "No more tears."

He resumed his kisses, moving his mouth aggressively against mine. He slid his arms back down to my waist and drew me close, holding me so tight I could hardly move. I responded by kissing back just as boldly, running my hands through his hair and lightly tugging on it.

He kicked the door shut and then walked me backwards toward the couch, toppling us both down on the soft cushions. I couldn't believe I ever wanted this with Richard. It was clear to me that I'd been waiting for Louis all along. His lips fit against mine perfectly, his body writhed on top of mine while our kisses became even more intense.

When he pulled back from the kiss to move his mouth to my neck, I was stunned by the intensity of it. I moaned – I actually moaned! – his name.

I'd been running my hands along his back as we kissed, appreciating his hot and smooth skin, but then I remembered he was only wearing his boxers. He pressed himself harder against me, and I could feel that he was very excited. It didn't frighten me, but I wondered how far we would let this go. Or should.

Courage. More courage came to me and I moved my hand farther down to squeeze his bum.

His chest vibrated against me as he laughed. He pushed up and looked at me with those captivating blue eyes. "You're something else, you know that?" He said.


"Meaning, this is a whole new side to you."

"People keep saying that."

I looked up at him with a shy smile. I couldn't believe we were lying here like this, and I was completely at ease with him. The memory of his face from the dream flashed in my mind. I realized that the dream hadn't been a fantasy, it had been a foretelling.

I lifted my head and kissed him again. He responded tenderly, not as aggressively as before.

I laid my head back on the couch cushion. I hadn't a clue how these things usually worked, so I just said, "I don't know if I want...I mean, we're not going mean, are we going to...?"

"You're so cute," he smirked, kissing me on the nose. "But I don't think we should. We still have a lot to figure out, and sex is a pretty huge step. I think we got a little carried away." He closed his eyes and hung his head down a bit and he let out a loud sigh. "Believe me, I really want to, but I don't think we're even close to being there yet. When we give ourselves to each other, I don't want anything standing in our way."

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