Chapter 4: Shopping and Confessions

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I stayed away from the pool – and far away from Louis – for a few days, trying to get my thoughts in order

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I stayed away from the pool – and far away from Louis – for a few days, trying to get my thoughts in order.

One morning, Danielle was fixing my hair and she stifled a huge yawn.

"Bored?" I asked with a smirk.

"No, I apologize," she said. "I was out late last night."

"Out? Really?"

"Um, yes. I went out with some friends to a club." Her voice sounded nervous as she told me.

"Oh, really? Friends from home, or...?"

"Louis," she said quietly. Either she was embarrassed to tell me, or she was fearful about my reaction, for some reason.

And indeed, I had a very strange response to the news. I felt kind of angry, but also kind of...hurt, maybe. Why would I feel hurt about my servants going out after their work hours?

Before I could think, the next words escaped my lips, "Do you and Louis....I mean, are you two....?"

She giggled. "Are you asking if Louis and I are together? No, we're just friends. I think he's interested in someone else."

Again, I felt that pang of anger and hurt. Why would that news bother me?

"Who could he possibly know?" I wondered aloud. "He's only been here two weeks."

"Oh, you'd be surprised," she said. "I know he annoys you, but he's very friendly and he makes friends quickly. But Addie met us at the club, too."

"Addie? Our housekeeper?"

"Yes, we had a great time together. And we've met some other people at the club, too."

"Huh," I pondered. Danielle and Addie suddenly had a social life because of Louis. How strange.

After my hair was finished, I called one of my close friends. I wasn't close with many people because I'd never gone out to school. I'd had private tutors my whole life, and I was just fine with that. Our house was always full of fun things to do, and my parents would frequently entertain, so I probably knew hundreds of people around my age. But I'd only become close friends with two or three of them. Sure, I was usually invited to a few parties every weekend, but that's not the same as having a best friend. I could only think of one person to whom I had divulged most of my inner secrets and insecurities while we were growing up – Veronica Hadley.

I dialed Veronica's number. As soon as she answered, I asked, "Would you like to go shopping today? I'm having our jet fueled up – I thought maybe Beverly Hills for the afternoon, or maybe even overnight."

"Sounds fabulous!" She chirped. "I'll meet you at the airport in say, an hour?"

"Perfect," I sighed happily.

Veronica and I spent the afternoon on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. One thing I loved about her was her sense of fashion. I had always been a bit conservative with my clothing, rarely opting for spaghetti straps or shorts above the knee. Despite my appreciation for my own body, I was hesitant to flaunt it for just anybody. Hardly anyone, actually.

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