Twelve. ("I Cant Bear To See Him Upset Right Now").

Start from the beginning

"Buddy, would you be okay with me asking Wilbur to come over and hold you? I think he would be able to. Dada isn't as big and strong as you think he is, Boo."

Ranboo thought for a moment, and finally nodded meekly. Tubbo smiled and began to call Wilbur as he cleaned up the floor with a wet rag.


"Hey, Wilbur! I have a question..."

"Hit me."

"Okay, so you know how Ranboo is an age regressor?"


"He um.. he really wants me to pick.him up and I-- quite obviously-- can't do that. I was wondering you'd be comfortable coming over for a bit today so you can hold him? I know it sounds silly, but I cant bear to see him upset right now. It took me a little bit of arguing just to get him to regress after what happened last week with the sneaky stream!"

"Oh... uh- yeah! I think I can do that. The drive is about an hour... do you think he can wait that long?"

Wilbur's wince was evident through the call, and so was Ranboo's sigh.

"I wan' dada to howd me, but dada wont, Wil'!" Ranboo pouted from his spot on the kitchen counter.

"I know, buddy. It's because dad's very short and stubby. I promise you that I will hold you for such a long time when I get there, is that okay?"

Ranboo giggled a little at the small insult directed towards Tubbo and agreed happily. He was going to be held! He babbled excitedly and clapped his hands a little.

"Okay, Wilbur. Thank you so much, it means alot. I've got to go get him changed and I've also promised him angel milk and cookies, though! You can just let yourself inside when you get here."

Wilbur said okay, and Ranboo followed Tubbo gleefully into his room. He let Tubbo fetch a plushie for him and he picked out his own onsie and pacifier after giving an age check of three years old. After a half an hour of preparing and getting Ranboo all ready for his day, he was padding in circles across the living room floor with a small airplane toy. Occasionally, he would stop and steal a bite of his cookie. He had requested that he got his milk later on, when he was tired, and Tubbo was happy to oblige by that.

Ranboo made small noises that imitated a cartoonish car speeding down the road as he pretended that his airplane was flying to space! He giggled mischievously as he landed on Tubbo's head, pretending that it was Pluto. Tubbo played along with a wide smile and checked the time, assuming that Wilbur would arrive soon.

As if he was summoned, Wilbur made his entrance through the front door with a small plastic bag in his hand. His coat was quickly removed and thrown haphazardly into the couch as Ranboo squealed and ran up to him. Tubbo was beside himself with happiness, and it looked as if Ranboo was aswell as he was immediately scooped up by Wilbur and carried effortlessly.

"Little baby man!" Wilbur laughed.

Tubbo felt the familiar twinge of jealousy at the back of his head, but he quickly pushed it away because he had things to do.

"Thank you, Wilbur. I've got to finish cooking this stew for my mother (she's sick and usually cooks dinner), so you can do what you'd like. If you have any questions at all, I'll be in the kitchen. You should probably get him to play and stuff over there, though, just in case."

Wilbur nodded and picked up Ranboo's airplane toy, passing it to him aimlessly and letting the boy hold it out as he jogged around the room so Ranboo could play with it again. Ranboo was smiling wider than ever before as he made 'vrooom!' noises and asked Wilbur to go over toward Tubbo so that he could 'land' on Pluto again. The three of them shared little giggles and smiles as Ranboo played; however, his attention was quickly caught by Tubbo's hands as he completed the dicing job on an onion and pushed the peices into a large pot. Ranboo watched as everything bubbled up in the capsule and as the contents poked out at him when they were stirred.

As much as Tubbo loved to let Ranboo watch things he found interest in, he was growing cramped in the small kitchen as Wilbur followed him around with the little tucked gently in his arms.

Tubbo sighed a little and pulled out his phone. He opened up youtube and looked up 'cooking', looking for a moment before he came across someone who looked very polite and gentle as to not upset Ranboo with yelling or scolding. He smiled at the thumbnail of a dog with a cookie sheet full of freshly baked cookies, and assumed that the animal was really someone in a fursuit. He swears hes seen her before on his for you page; speaking softly and showing her process very delicately. He guessed that the woman would be suitable for the regressor to watch on the couch with Wilbur.

Tubbo clicks on the video and smiles as he passes the phone to Ranboo.

"Here, buddy. You wanna watch Buttercup make some yummy cookies?" He asked quietly.

Ranboo's focus was instantly grabbed harshly in a chokehold, and he gasped as he snatched the glowing box up and nodded. He showed it to Wilbur eagerly even though he knew it was already seen.

"Wook! Doggie's makin' cookies!" He slurred, feeling himself slip into a much younger headspace.

Wilbur was quick to validate the boy's excitement and gasped dramatically, watching the screen with Ranboo.

Ranboo had curled up into Wilbur's chest and began sucking on his thumb a little as he watched. Tubbo grinned and gently rubbed his hand.

"Boo, we dont put our fingers in our mouth. Are you a bitty baby, now? You look quite young.."

Ranboo nodded and giggled as Buttercup spilled a little bit of the mixture on her apron. Tubbo took a moment away from his cooking to make some milk for Ranboo, mixing up the concoction within minutes and passing it to Wilbur.

"Here, you can lay down on the couch with him. He looks like he's gonna pass out! His pacifier is on the coffee table; when he finishes the milk just switch them out, okay?"

Wilbur nodded and had Ranboo hold the phone for a moment as they trotted away into the living room. Soft babbles and squeals could be heard as Ranboo thoroughly enjoyed his cooking video and his milk, even if he was exhausted from his exciting day. Tubbo watched the two fondly as Wilbur fed Ranboo the bottle and then let him curl into a tight ball on his lap.

Eventually, Tubbo had completed the stew and successfully delivered it to his mother, and was now heading back into the house. He was met with a sleeping pair of boys on his couch, cuddled comfortably into each other and snoring lightly. Tubbo smiled, and picked his phone up along with the discarded bottle of milk. He sighed intently and laid beside the two, settling himself down for a nap, too.

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