Chapter 3

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Maggie and Sarah arrive at Chicago Med. " I'm going to go and see Mrs Goodwin." Sarah spoke. "Want me to come with?" Maggie asks. Sarah shook her head. "No thank you. - I'll tell you how it went." Sarah gave her a hug. Maggie went and got ready to start work. April went up to her. "Ugh. - he is doing my head in. - he told me that he won't stop until he gets Sarah back. - he also said if Sarah dates anybody else he will make up lies." April ranted. "You need to tell this to Sarah. - she will have to update Sargent Platt who will tell Sargent Voight." Maggie said. April gave a nod. "I'll tell her later." April spoke. "Where is she?" April now asks. "Gone up to Sharon." Maggie said. "Hey. - have you seen Sarah?" Noah asks. "Yes. - she gone talking to Mrs Goodwin about something." Maggie said. " Ok. - can you page me when she comes back down?" Noah asks. "No Maggie won't. - I told you yesterday. - let her go." April answered. Noah left. Shaking his head. Thinking why can't April mind her own business.

Later on

Sarah was with a patient when Noah stood at the door watching Sarah. Looking her up and down. "Doctor. - there is someone watching you. - he is being a creepy." The patient spoke. Sarah knew who it was. "Doctor Sexton. - I am with a patient. - can you please walk away." Sarah didn't even want to turn around but she had no choice. Dr Rhodes was walking by. He heard Sarah and Noah didn't move. " Dr Sexton. - didn't Dr Reese ask you to do something?" Rhodes waited for Noah to give a nod. "Then do it." Rhodes finished. Connors tone didn't leave room for fight back. Noah walked away. " Thank you Dr Rhodes." Sarah spoke. "Anytime Dr Reese." Connor said. Ava came up. " Everything okay here?" Ava asks. " It is now thank to Dr Rhodes." Sarah spoke. Ava gave a nod.

At Molly's

Sarah had just finished her drink. "I've gotta go. - I have to be early in the morning." Sarah spoke.
" Stay for one more." Natalie said. Sarah gave a nod. " Fine. - one more then that's it." Sarah sat back down. She found it strange. To be honest they kept her there what seemed on purpose. " Hey. - what's going on?" Sarah asks. April looked at the girls. Then back at Sarah. Trudy sat down. "If this is about Noah. - I am listening." Trudy said. "He knows where you live. - he said that he will keep showing up. Every night
to keep asking you to go back out with him. - and tonight is to find out what's going on between you and Connor." April explained. "That's it. - I'm calling Voight. - it has to stop." Trudy got her phone out and called Hank Voight.

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