Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1

Start from the beginning

The Rated R Superstar entering the rumble once again, A former 2x winner of this very event! Edge in the ring, SPEAR TO STRONG! And a Spear for Lee too! Edge delivering a Spearfest here at the rumble! Going for a- No, Deep Six by Corbin Instead.

Rest holds and corner shenanigans tick away more time...

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Entrant #6

The resident Conspiracy theorist enters at a not-so enviable position Number six. He immediately points to the Mania sign... and vets whacked by a Right hand from Corbin, then Bodyslammed by Lee. Lee and Corbin had a staredown, as two massive men were about to throw down...

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Entrant #7


Reed made his way to the ring, and Lee quickly dismissed Corbin, as these two super Heavyweights were close to having a DREAM showdown! Sami tried getting in between them. "GUYS! WE CAN MAKE A GREAT TEAM, JUST HEAR ME O-" Reed and Lee clutched the back of Zayn's head, then Used their freakish power to hurl em over the top rope.

Lee & Reed then got into a Brawl that involved lots of Powerful shoulder tackles and Powerslams that barely affected the man taking the move. This was an evenly matched Powerhouse Clash!

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Entrant #8:

The Phenomenal... AJ STYLES!

Styles, crafty, world traveled Veteran, but has never won this match. He bolts to the ring, Leaping up to the apron and immediately catching Corbin off Guard with a Springboard Blockbuster!

The Behemoth battle continues as Roddy rests in a corner.
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Entrant #9

The original Bro enters the fray, Going after Strong with quick, barefooted kicks! He then turns to Corbin, there's a well documented history between these two...

Corbin delivers a Harsh chokeslam Backbreaker to Riddle as the match rages on...

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

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