~ Chapter Twelve ~

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     Hidden anger is down very much. To the point where the anger is building up to were I want to cry. I don't know how much I can do because I have done nothing wrong. I have all good grades yet why then do I still have a C+. There is nothing more that I can do to have this grade to be better than it needs to be because grades are set in by the end of this week. I don't know what more I can do. The stress I can't handle because I just don't know what to do. All my other classes are going already great yet why can't my damn teacher see that I'm working my fucking ass off. Like what my expectations are for the grades are doing right now... I don't know what am I supposed to improve anymore. The pressure is so great that I know with the shitty teacher that I have now I cannot do what I know I want to do. If you feel this way... keep going. Even though you know that you might not be able to, do it because you have many people that care for you. You matter to people that you might not know of and take care of yourself.

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